Newt – Obama adminsitration “anti-American energy” policies are “nuttiness”
Gingrich wants gas back down at $2.50 a gallon and says Obama’s energy policies are “nuttiness” as exemplified by his Attorney General suing the oil industry over eight birds. Obama’s anti-American energy policies are driving up the cost of gasoline and electricity.
Obama killed the American oil pipeline and most drilling for domestic oil. The threats from Iran are expected to drive up the price of gasoline and oil. Thank an environmentalist wacko and Obama for $7 gas.
The Obama administration seems to be doing everything it can to raise the price of energy. This is slowing the economy, killing jobs, hurting the poor and the middle class and raising the cost of virtually everything.
Environmentalists don’t want oil drilling and they don’t care that this reduces supply and raises prices. In fact, they want prices to rise.
So we have a president who promised a plan that would ‘skyrocket’ electricity rates, an EPA that bases its illegal and tyrannical power grab on fraudulent data and suppressed any dissent, and an administration that is collectively working to ruin the oil, steel, coal, and cement industries. An administration that ignores the will of the people and its congress and seems to be doing all it can to destroy jobs and the economy while promising to make jobs and economic growth its first priority.
Just look at the ideologues Obama chooses as his advisers. His cabinets are pushing “environmental justice” as a scheme for redistributing wealth. His energy secretary Steven Chu is on the record as having said we need higher gas prices like those in Europe. Obama warned us during his 2008 campaign that “under my plan electricity rates will necessarily have to skyrocket.” Obama hired an anti-commerce commerce secretary in John Bryson.
Senator Inhofe has called Obama’s EPA a “growing menace to the economy.” John P. Holdren, who then-President-elect Barack Obama nominated as director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy in December 2008, called just five months before his nomination for a global climate-change agreement that would allow wealth to be redistributed from countries in the global “North” to countries in the “South.” Obama also picked a “spread the wealth” progressive lawyer for his top economist.
Are we going to believe what they SAY or what they DO?
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