Obama’s Virtual Economy
When Newt makes claims like this, he’s nuts; with Barack Obama, it’s a vision. .. Instead of the economy we all live in, he’s making one up and inviting us to pretend we are living in it. Welcome to the Sim City Economy. – WSJ
By DANIEL HENNINGER at The Wall Street Journal
You can’t make this up. On the other hand, that’s the point: You can make this up, and then sell it, or try to sell it, as An Economy Built to Last.
…. his payroll tax cut. …. The president himself announced the payoff for the American people: “It means $40 extra in their paycheck.” Sounds real, but barely.
Moments later, he drew attention to an initiative “we passed” that will “create jobs by expanding wireless broadband and ensuring that first responders have access to the latest lifesaving technologies.” When Newt makes claims like this, he’s nuts; with Barack Obama, it’s a vision.
A cynic might argue that none of these pretend ideas for reviving a $15 trillion economy in the second term matters much because the lasting damage was done in the first term, with ObamaCare’s redo of the health sector—16% of the economy—and Dodd-Frank, which even the bureaucrats asked to write things like the Volcker Rule admit they can’t figure out.
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