Chu on this – Obama administration doesn’t care about high gas prices
Obama’s anti-energy secretary who is infamous for saying we need higher gas prices like those in Europe doubled down on his goals of using less oil not lowering gas prices. When asked if the goal was to lower gas prices he said “No.”
A new congressional report has determined that the Obama administration is intentionally causing high gas prices. Obama seems to be doing everything he can to increase gas prices, inhibit domestic oil drilling and ruin the coal industry.
His green energy policies cause consumers to pay as much as 38% more for electricity.
Obama used Spain’s green initiative as a blueprint for how the United States should use federal funds to stimulate the economy. Obama’s economic stimulus package allocated billions of dollars to the green jobs industry. Much of that has been wasted as Solyndra and and several other “green” companies have filed bankruptcy.
Spain’s unemployment reached 22.8% which is the highest in 17 years. The “green” jobs myth helped cause the problem.
A study released in January of 2010 showed that every “green job” created with government money in Spain over the previous eight years came at the cost of 2.2 regular jobs, and only one in 10 of the newly created green jobs became a permanent job. The study draws parallels with the green jobs programs of the Obama administration.
We have a president who promised a plan that would ‘skyrocket’ electricity rates, an EPA that bases its illegal and tyrannical power grab on fraudulent data and suppressed any dissent, and an administration that is collectively working to ruin the oil, steel, coal, and cement industries. An administration that ignores the will of the people and its congress and seems to be doing all it can to destroy jobs and the economy while promising to make jobs and economic growth its first priority. Are we going to believe what they say or what they do?
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