Islamic News Agencies Target Thomas More Law Center
“What (school officials) are doing … is to give Muslim students religious benefits that they do not give any other religion right now,” Richard Thompson, president and chief counsel at the Thomas More Law Center.
In the past few days, several international Islamic news agencies, including the Ahlul Bayt News Agency (ABNA), the International Islamic News Agency (IINA) have targeted the Thomas More Law Center (TMLC) and its President Richard Thompson, in articles claiming that Muslim students in the U.S. are being unfairly treated.
The Thomas More Law Center is a national public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, whose mission includes the promotion of America’s Judeo-Christian heritage and a strong national defense.
The news agencies, which decried the lack of religious accommodations for Muslims in U.S. public schools focused on comments by Thompson. The story published by the International Islamic News Agency stated in part:
“Some also say providing Muslim students with prayer rooms and special food constitutes an organized attempt to push Islamic law in public settings. In fact, some of the most outspoken critics of accommodation for Muslim students are Christian groups. “What (school officials) are doing … is to give Muslim students religious benefits that they do not give any other religion right now,” Richard Thompson, president and chief counsel at the Thomas More Law Center, a Christian advocacy group, told USA Today.
Thompson did not back down from his comments. “Islam is more than a religion. It is a political ideology that regulates every aspect of human existence, and calls for the Islamic domination of the world. Since radical Muslims know they can never defeat our military on the battlefield, they devised the strategy of internal subversion.”
Continued Thompson, “Like the ancient Trojan Horse welcomed within the city’s gates, Islam has entered America disguised as a religion. But its ultimate objective is political: Destroy America and establish an Islamic nation under Shariah Law. So while America sleeps, they are awake and subverting our government, as well as our public schools and universities. And we will not be deterred from our efforts to stop them.”
In fact, the Thomas More Law Center was one of the first Christian advocacy groups in the nation to take legal action against the double standard that favored Islam over Christianity.
In 2002, the Law Center filed a federal lawsuit against the Byron Union School District in California over their three week indoctrination course on Islam for its seventh graders, using the work book “Islam, A simulation of Islamic history and culture“.
The 12-year old students were told:
- From the beginning you and your classmates will become Muslim
- Dress up as a Muslim and try to be involved to guarantee an excellent grade
- Pick Islamic names and wear them around your neck as ID tags
- Read the fatiha, the opening chapter in the Koran and recited by Muslims at every daily prayer
- Play a dice game called Jihad by declaring a jihad against another group. Jihad is a struggle by Muslims against oppression
- Jihad is a struggle by Muslims against oppression
- Complete the phrase required for conversion to Islam
- Complete the Five Pillars of the Islamic Faith
- Analyze certain verses from the Koran
In an astonishing ruling, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals approved the school’s Islamic indoctrination holding that the Islam program activities were not “overt religious exercises” that raised Establishment Clause concerns. Just to make sure their ruling could not be precedent to establish similar classes for Christians, they made their ruling “Not for Publication.”
Our K-12 textbooks contain sugarcoated versions of Islam promoted by the Council on Islamic Education. Those versions don’t mention its kidnappings, beheadings, slave-trading, savage murder, and persecution of non-Muslims or the repression of women.
The founder of the Council of American Islamic Relations (CAIR), Omar Ahmad said this to a group of American Muslims in 1998:
“Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.”
In a more recent Law Center case, in 2007 the Poway School District ordered math teacher Bradley Johnson, to take down banners displaying patriotic phrases such as “In God We Trust,” and “One Nation Under God” because they promoted a Judeo-Christian message and might offend a Muslim student. Johnson’s banners had been displayed for 25 years without a single complaint from students or parents.
Showing their bias against Christians, school officials allowed other teachers to display non-Christian religious messages in their classrooms. These displays included a 40-foot string of Tibetan prayer flags with images of Buddha hung across a classroom, a poster with Hindu leader Mahatma Gandhi’s “7 Social Sins;” a poster of Muslim leader Malcolm X; and a poster of the Buddhist leader Dali Lama.
In late 2011, the Thomas More Law Center’s lawsuit on behalf of Brad Johnson was dismissed by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The Law Center has asked the U.S. Supreme Court to review the case.
The Thomas More Law Center defends and promotes America’s Judeo-Christian heritage and moral values, including the religious freedom of Christians, time-honored family values, and the sanctity of human life. It supports a strong national defense and an independent and sovereign United States of America. The Law Center accomplishes its mission through litigation, education, and related activities. It does not charge for its services. The Law Center is supported by contributions from individuals, corporations and foundations, and is recognized by the IRS as a section 501(c)(3) organization. You may reach the Thomas More Law Center at (734) 827-2001 or visit our website at
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