Obama takes wide stance on gay marriage to placate voting blocs
“We respect the right of all people to have a personal opinion,” White House spokesman Jay Carney said on May 7 — a day after Vice President Joe Biden endorsed marriage for gays and lesbians. – The Daily Caller
By Neil Munro at The Daily Caller
Marriage is a tough dilemma for Obama because his base is deeply split: Strong majorities of black Americans oppose changing marriage rules to endorse same-sex couples.
Voters in more than 30 states — including liberal California — have used state-wide votes to solidify state support for the traditional view of marriage.
But many gays want to see White House endorsement of same-sex marriage because it would provide additional social validation of their relationships.
Wealthy gay donors are increasingly vital to Obama because Wall Street’s donors have closed their wallets to his campaign.
The gay donors include gay activists such as software millionaire Tom Gill and Hollywood billionaire David Geffen, as well as many less wealthy gays. Their importance to the Democratic Party is illustrated by the fact that the Democratic National Committee’s treasurer, Andrew Tobias, is gay and has been in the job since 1999.
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