DOJ Pushes Voter Fraud The Chicago Way
It couldn’t be clearer that the government is actively promoting voter fraud. .. Democrats have made it clear that honest elections are not something they’re interested in. – IBD Editorials
From IBD Editorials
the DOJ has determined that purging illegal voters — felons, noncitizens, the deceased — from the rolls is a violation of the 1965 Voting Rights Act as well as the 1993 National Voter Registration Act.
no one is actually moved off the rolls until they are found to be ineligible. Simply sending names to county elections supervisors to confirm eligibility, which is what Florida officials are doing, discriminates against no one. Either the person is eligible to vote or not.
So why shouldn’t voters have to authenticate their identities at the polls and prove they are eligible? Why should voting be so informal and lacking in rules that it invites fraud?
Democrats have made it clear that honest elections are not something they’re interested in.
They also clamor for votes from the felons they coddle, the illegal immigrants they solicit and the criminally minded, politically rabid voters who cast ballots for dead voters or vote multiple times on election day — think of Democratic strongholds like Chicago and Philadelphia, where such shenanigans are common.
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