Obama Teams With U.N. for U.S. Gun Control

July 6, 2012 13:59

NRA VP Wayne LaPierre accused Obama of working behind the scenes with the U.N. on a “treaty that could effectively ban or severely restrict civilian ownership of firearms worldwide.” – CNSNews.com


UN gun statue shows their anti-gun goal


Editor’s note: We have been reporting about this creeping threat since June, 2010. See additional reading below for more history on this treaty that will be back door gun control.


By Patrick Goodenough at CNSNews.com


Obama administration is taking part in month-long negotiations at United Nations headquarters aimed at finalizing a conventional arms trade treaty … opponents fear threatens to restrict Second Amendment rights at home and U.S. arms sales policies abroad.


In a letter to Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on the eve of the conference, 130 Republican lawmakers outlined their concerns that the treaty being negotiated could negatively affect U.S. security, foreign policy and economic interests – as well as Americans’ constitutional rights.

“… this is a dangerous piece of moral equivalence,” the letter stated.

“Moreover, the ATT must not impose criteria for determining the permissibility of arms transfers that are vague, easily politicized, and readily manipulated,” it continued, referring in particular to U.S. arms sales to Taiwan and Israel.


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