Obama lied about Obamacare and Medicare – You CAN’T keep your plan and it cuts Medicare

August 30, 2012 06:14

As Pelosi infamously warned, we are finding out what’s in the bill now that they passed it. Chief Medicare Actuary, Rick Foster, answers questions that show that Obama’s big promises about Obamacare were lies.

The “death panel” in Obamacare is IPAB — a board of 15 unelected people with the power to deny seniors care. “What our concern is, is if we invest all of the power and the funding decisions with a board of 15 people — who’s decisions go into law and don’t even go through Congress — is that the best way to save this entitlement and restrain spending? We believe there’s a better way.” – Paul Ryan

What Paul Ryan and many others refuse to admit is that the goal of Obamacare is to collapse the free market in healthcare and result in total government run healthcare known as single payer. Obamacare is just the vehicle to get them there. At that point all healthcare owrkers will become government employees and then be unionized into a pro socialist pro Democrat union like SEIU. Democrats would then have access to about one billion dollars in union dues per million healthcare workers.

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