Wisconsin Right to Life Elated Over Ryan VP Pick

August 13, 2012 06:22

Rep. Ryan has been a featured speaker at Wisconsin Right to Life events and maintains a 100% pro-life voting record on scores of issues including prohibiting the use of tax dollars for abortion, banning partial-birth abortions, and protecting older Americans and those with disabilities from rationing of medical care.



“Wisconsin Right to Life sends its deepest and sincerest congratulations to Rep. Paul Ryan on being selected as Governor Romney’s running mate,” stated Barbara Lyons, Executive Director of Wisconsin Right to Life. “Ryan has been a wonderful friend to our organization and our great cause in defense of human life throughout his brilliant tenure as a public official.”


Rep. Ryan has been a featured speaker at Wisconsin Right to Life events and maintains a 100% pro-life voting record on scores of issues including prohibiting the use of tax dollars for abortion, banning partial-birth abortions, and protecting older Americans and those with disabilities from rationing of medical care.


“We look forward to continuing our friendship and collaboration with Rep. Ryan during his service as Vice-President of the United States,” continued Lyons. “His vision, principles, integrity and sincere dedication to the value of life will serve our great country in the highest manner possible.”

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