Obama’s Offer You Can’t Refuse
Obama’s recent comments about small business and paying your “fair” share prompted this simple explanation of the government/business partnership millions of Americans are forced to participate in.
Also please consider:
Obama Ignores Law, Hides New Job Killing Regulations Until After Election
Obama’s EPA admits regulations will kill coal industry
Talk is not so cheap with Obama’s jobs lies
Obama’s Second Term Plan – EPA’s Destruction of the U.S. Economy
Obama Gave More to Campaign Donors Than Hurricane Will Cost
Higher Taxes on the Rich Are a Precursor to Higher Taxes on the Rest of Us
Has Obama Already Bankrupted America?
Our Imperial President’s Disregard of the Law
Government Borrows Thirty Cents of Every Dollar to Sustain Spending Levels
Obama’s Education ‘Progress’ Is Only Union Hiring Not Improving Education
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