This law provides neither “patient protection” or “affordable care.” Americans are still waiting on real reform that targets the roots of our rising costs and puts individual patients – not the government – in charge of health care decisions.
Americans Aren’t In The Mood To Celebrate
(Washington, D.C.) – In honor of the three-year anniversary of the President signing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (better known as ObamaCare) into law, the Independent Women’s Forum releases a series of ObamaCare birthday memes to highlight the law’s broken-promises.
Hadley Heath, Senior Policy Analyst at the Independent Women’s Forum, issued the following statement:
On ObamaCare’s third anniversary, there isn’t much to celebrate. Time and again, we have learned that all the law won’t actually do what it’s proponents promised it would. Americans were told ObamaCare would lower premiums by $2,500. Today, premiums are $2,000 higher. Americans were promised ObamaCare would be deficit-neutral. Today, we know it will add $6.2 trillion to our national debt. Americans were told ObamaCare would eliminate the problem of people lacking health insurance. Today, we know that even after ObamaCare’s costly mandates and subsidies are fully implemented, an estimated 30 million Americans will remain uninsured.This law provides neither “patient protection” or “affordable care.” Americans are still waiting on real reform that targets the roots of our rising costs and puts individual patients – not the government – in charge of health care decisions.

www.iwf.orgIndependent Women’s Forum is a non-partisan, 501(c)(3) research and educational institution dedicated to expanding the conservative coalition, both by increasing the number of women who understand and value the benefits of limited government, personal liberty, and free markets, and by countering those who seek to ever expand government in the name of protecting women.
Dr. Sums Up Obamacare in a Sentence:
Also please consider:
The Hardball Realities of Obamacare
The Unaffordable Care Act – Losing Freedom, Healthcare & Money
Obama’s Death Panel Czar
Obamacare Rears Its Butt Ugly Head
Obamacare is All About More Death and More Taxes
Obamacare Ruins Best Healthcare in the World
Revolution Begins: Defying Obama on Religious Liberty
Obamacare Burns Youth with 40% rate increase
Dr. Sums Up Obamacare in a Sentence
Obamacare designed to eliminate private insurance not cut costs
Obamacare Starts Killing Jobs – Pizza Costs to go Up
CBO: Obamacare Will Kill 800,000 Jobs Over Decade
Single-Payer or Bust
1,968 New and Expanded Secretarial Powers in Health Law
The true cost of Obamacare – $2.3 trillion
Health Care Overhaul Causing 74% Of Doctors To Quit
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