Abuse of Power Continues
Accusations that the administration used government powers to skew the election.
Also please consider:
The “Know Nothing” Administration
Obama’s Privacy and Free Speech Abuses
Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid
“Terminal State of Broken”
The Chicagoization of America
9/12 – the Manhattan attack that gave us Obama
Has Obama Already Bankrupted America?
The Corruption of America
Individual Rights Belong to Everyone – Will We Let Them Perish?
The Self-Imposed Slavery of the Redistribution State
Obama Leading Us to Liberal Utopia Like Detroit
Obama leads “Forward” to ruin and destruction
America’s Liberal Government Ruling Class
Detroit “is a graveyard of socialism in America”
Zombified Cities Roundup: Detroit Becomes Dumping Ground for the Dead; Financial Urgency in Miami; Oakland Pension Time Bomb; How Pensions Crashed Stockton and San Bernardino
Formerly Great Cities All Over America Are Turning Into Open, Festering Sores
Public unions pushing cities to bankruptcy
Stockton California Joins Cities Bankrupted by Unions
The liberal union dream come true – Detroit
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