Archive for Category: "Judiciary"

April 3, 2012 10:31

Community organizer in chief attacks Supreme Court – AGAIN

Obama has never like the Constitution. It limits his power to fundamentally transform America too much. Did he flunk law school? Is that why he won’t release his grades?

March 30, 2012 07:12

Where Does the Supreme Court Get Its Power?

Since the law was passed over the overwhelming rejection of the voters its validation would cement the dictatorship of the Party in the transformation of America from what we have known into what we would never choose. The Court appears to be our last line of defense. But where does the Supreme Court get its power?

March 29, 2012 04:49

“Healthwreck”: Obamacare May Go Down Entirely; Medicaid Funding in Question; Justice Scalia Joked Reading Entire Bill Would be “Cruel and Unusual Punishment”; Wrecking Operation or Salvage Job?

Hello Nancy: It seems the Supreme Court does not want to read the bill to find out what’s in it. Sorry Team Obama, your bill was more like “Healthwreck” than “Healthcare”.

March 27, 2012 04:19

Obamacare in the Supreme Court 101: Deliberations, Rulings and Impacts

The Supreme Court will consider four main questions when the Obamacare cases come before the bench. And the answers to those questions will determine whether all, some, or none of Obamacare will remain in force after the Court’s decision.

March 26, 2012 05:02

Krauthammer on ObamaCare constitutionality – if it is there are no limits

“If you say it’s constitutional under the commerce clause there are no limits whatsoever as to the power of congress. Our system up until now was one where the powers of congress are enumerated and circumscribed and everything outside it is the right and freedom of the individual. You do this and you give unlimited reach to congress.”

March 26, 2012 04:24

Obamacare Versus the U.S. Constitution

One need hardly be a constitutional scholar to understand that a federal government that can require you to purchase something you do not want or do not need can require you to do anything it wants. A government that powerful is a government to be feared.

March 23, 2012 05:22

American Laws for American Courts or Sharia?

[G]roups like CAIR that are tied to the Muslim Brotherhood, an organization seeking our destruction, should be seen for what they are – fraudulent deceptions – and rejected in the most effective possible way: by ensuring that every state in the union joins Tennessee, Louisiana and Arizona in enacting American Laws for American Courts.

March 21, 2012 16:04

Supreme Court Rules EPA Orders Are Subject to Judicial Review

“The great inequity” of EPA’s position, he added, was that it essentially felt that it was above the law. The agency “doesn’t want a federal judge ever to review” compliance orders ….

March 16, 2012 05:21

Harry Reid pushes ideological judges, ignores jobs bill

Senate Majority Leader Reid controls the Senate’s calendar, and he is choosing to ignore the American people and his colleagues to focus on partisan politics and not the economy.

February 24, 2012 11:09

Troubling Trend in the Courts

Americans should be concerned about the increasingly powerful judicial branch. With politicized appointments and repeated judicial failures to adhere to the Constitution as it is written, the public must demand action from the political branches.