Archive for Category: "Top Stories from Around the Web"

July 29, 2013 06:24

O’ministration Encourages Illegals to Get food Stamps – in Mexican Embassy! – 2 Food Stamp Recipients Per Job Created

A flier given to the Mexican Embassy by the USDA highlights that “you need not divulge information regarding your immigration status in seeking this benefit for your children.” – IBD

July 26, 2013 08:16

SSA Losing Billions Every Year With Renewal of Bonds –

The loss of income from the redemptions comes to a cool $3.3Bn a year. That is chump change at SSA – but it will happen again next June when another chunk of high coupon paper rolls off the books. – Bruce Krasting

July 2, 2013 08:59


Dark underbelly of our federal government that reveals the super secret ways the government is spending your tax dollars! – Bankrupting America

June 28, 2013 07:50

SEVERE (economic) Storm Warning

[W]e’re doing the same thing that led to the 2008 blowup — we’ve learned exactly nothing. In real terms our GDP is in fact contracting by about $500 billion a quarter, after adjusting for debt expansion — that’s $2 trillion a year, more or less. – The Market Ticker

June 26, 2013 16:43

“War on Coal Is Exactly What’s Needed” – Obama Anti-Energy Adviser

“White House is hesitant to say they’re having a war on coal. On the other hand, a war on coal is exactly what’s needed.” – Daniel P. Schrag, a White House climate adviser – Weekly Standard

June 20, 2013 05:48

Socialist Democrats start transition from Obama to Hillary

“There is a cautious presumption that the nomination is hers for the taking,” said Phil Singer, deputy communications manager for Clinton’s 2008 campaign. – The Hill

June 18, 2013 06:12

Government Zombie Policies and the Rationing of Retirement

“Between 2007 and 2010, median consumer net worth declined by 39%, with, unfortunately, low income households facing the greatest percentage decline.2 This fragment of economic history is a powerful reminder that government intervention can have unintended consequences, often of unforeseen magnitude.”

June 10, 2013 08:51

Has the Obama administration EARNED our trust on phone metadata harvesting?

[W]hen it comes to running the government in a scandal-free and non-disastrous manner this administration is notably inferior to the last one. – Moe Lane

June 10, 2013 06:17

Secretary of Gay Pride? Kerry Pushes Agenda Globally

Are these stories related? “Karzai: US Must ‘Explain’ to Muslims Why Radicalism Is Growing Amid War on Terror” and “Kerry: ‘In Africa, Asia, Europe, and Americas, Our Diplomats Are Assisting Local LGBT Organizations'” –

May 30, 2013 07:03

Abolish the IRS — and the Income Tax with It

Once government undertakes to tax income, it acquires even more power through its authority to define “income,” “taxable income,” subsidiary terms, and the rules of exemption. There is no escape from arbitrariness and caprice.