Archive for Category: "Unions"

September 20, 2012 09:02

Chicago teachers personification of greedy, lazy, utterly unreasonable teacher’s unions

Chicago teachers also get the highest pay. Plus their state is going bankrupt. But none of that will put the brakes on the runaway greed of public sector unions, which are devouring the country from within like a monstrous tapeworm.

September 17, 2012 04:54

Useless, Costly Teacher’s Unions

“Chicago Teachers Union rakes in nearly $30 million in forced dues from rank and file teachers every year. CTU is an affiliate of the behemoth AFL-CIO, which dropped an estimated $100 million in forced dues to support Democratic candidates and causes during the 2008 and 2010 election cycles.”

September 13, 2012 08:07

Why OMT Cannot Possibly Solve Anything; Monti Warns Italian Unions; Over 200,000 Jobs at Risk; Italy’s Insane Labor Rules

The first structural problem is preposterous labor work rules in Italy, Spain, and Greece. The second structural problem is the ECB and the euro itself. One size interest rate policy cannot possibly work in a mix of cultures and work rules.

September 11, 2012 04:31

Chicago Teachers Union Makes War On Kids And Parents

In a city with double-digit unemployment, teachers who can’t be fired and who make more than double what their students’ parents make, have gone on strike. Anyone for school choice? – IBD

September 5, 2012 05:47

The Machine: The Truth Behind Teachers Unions

The machine that runs the K-12 education system isn’t designed to produce better schools. It’s designed to produce more money for unions and more donations for politicians. More ….

September 4, 2012 07:11

Will Your Union Dues Buy Obama’s Victory?

Despite findings that 60 percent of union members object to their dues being spent on political causes, this practice continues. Why?

August 31, 2012 08:15

States’ Real Debt Burden: $4 Trillion

Add that number to our $11 trillion federal debt held by the public and our almost $5 trillion in intra-governmental debt, and you just might start worrying about this country’s ability to pay its bills.

August 30, 2012 04:58

Gov. Haley: Obama allies are bully union bosses

Obama administration has sued South Carolina over immigration laws, voter ID laws, and even sued Boeing over building a plant in the right to work state. Haley says she will not stop fighting until Obama is sent home to Chicago. – More ….

August 24, 2012 09:10

Union leaders are 1 percenters – using 99er’s as pawns

The Marxist occupy movement is fueled by union money and leadership. Do the fools in the streets know how rich their fearless leaders are? They are being used as political pawns to increase wealth and power for the few. Can we stand four more years of national suicide?

August 23, 2012 04:43

Obamacare to expand union influence by billion$

The real goal of Obamacare has always been government run healthcare. Government healthcare means government workers. Government workers means public employee unions. Unions mean dues. Dues go to Democrat politicians’ campaigns. Democrat politicians vote for ever expanding government employees, unions, dues, wages and benefits. And sometimes unions get a really big payoff like half ownership of GM and Chrysler and all their pension benefits bailed out at the expense of taxpayers present and future. Can we stand four more years of national suicide?