Post Tagged with: "Argentina"

July 16, 2013 05:11

GM Now Using Taxpayer Money to Create Jobs in Mexico

Amount of taxpayer funding given to GM and GMAC comes to a staggering $50.4 billion.

June 21, 2013 08:36

Don’t Cry For Me, America: Comparing Argentina’s Fascist Perón to Obama

The Labour Charter of 1927 – promulgated by Italy’s Grand Council of Fascism under Mussolini – is a guiding document of this doctrine and provides for government-based economic management. This same document recommends government provision of healthcare and unemployment insurance. Sound familiar?

March 14, 2013 11:36

Leftist Prayers for a Red Pope Dashed

With the selection of Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina, the liberals have lost out. He opposes abortion, euthanasia, and homosexuality. A Catholic insider tells me, “Looks like we might have ourselves a relatively conservative new pope.

May 4, 2012 04:28

Here’s How Cristina Fernandez Is Destroying Argentina’s Economy

The expropriation of Repsol’s stake in YPF is just one in a string of many policy actions that the Argentine president has been criticized for. – Business Insider

April 20, 2012 04:13

World Bank Chief Criticizes Argentina Oil Nationalization

The president of the World Bank, Robert Zoellick, criticized Argentina’s plans to nationalize its largest oil company.

November 9, 2011 06:24

Obama Sells out Latin America to Reds

Marxists and/or anti-American leftists are in control of the following countries in Latin America: Venezuela, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Bolivia, Argentina, Peru, Cuba, and Brazil.

November 4, 2011 04:00

Bill Gates Urges Obama to Embrace Global Tax

[T]he Gates Foundation, proposes a financial transaction tax (FTT) as well as taxes on tobacco, aviation and bunker fuel, and carbon (energy), by G20 countries and other members of the European Union.

October 24, 2011 08:15

First woman re-elected president in Latin America wins landslide

Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner has won a landslide re-election victory.

January 18, 2011 10:26

Cruising for Trouble

Obama’s anti-British obsessions combined with Britain’s culpable and myopic dismantling of its own defenses create a highly dangerous situation.

December 8, 2010 15:51

Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay Recognize Palestinian State

Last Friday Brazil took the first step and injected itself in the Middle East peace process by announcing that it recognized the state of Palestine with its borders as they were before the war of 1967.