“The notion of global warming,” said Archibold, “was concocted to provide a cloak of scientific respectability for a massive socialist redistribution of wealth.” If that sounds like what is happening in America today, you’re right.
Post Tagged with: "Australia"
Carbon War Erupts in Europe
If Eastern Europe caves to the Greens, all Europe faces very painful adjustments. Power and food costs will surge, electricity supplies will become unreliable, and industry and jobs will migrate.
Saving the silly suckers of the South Pacific – withdraw from Kyoto
Europe’s worship of Kyoto has led them into their current fiscal mess. Believing they are gods who can control the climate by demonising carbon, they have spent a fortune on green energy, carbon trading and international junkets that has exacerbated their deficits and now condemns their industry and consumers to expensive and unreliable energy.
Saving the silly suckers of the South Pacific – withdraw from Kyoto
Europe’s worship of Kyoto has led them into their current fiscal mess. Believing they are gods who can control the climate by demonising carbon, they have spent a fortune on green energy, carbon trading and international junkets that has exacerbated their deficits and now condemns their industry and consumers to expensive and unreliable energy.
Australians to punish carbon tax criticism
Bye bye free speech down under. The Australian government issued warnings to businesses that they will face whopping fines of up to $1.1m if they blame the carbon tax for inevitable price rises.
As the world turns away from “green” Australia Goes Back to the Dark Ages
Today the pagan green religion celebrates the first step in their long campaign to destroy industrial society and reduce population.
Bill Gates Urges Obama to Embrace Global Tax
[T]he Gates Foundation, proposes a financial transaction tax (FTT) as well as taxes on tobacco, aviation and bunker fuel, and carbon (energy), by G20 countries and other members of the European Union.
Carbon Credit Fraud
At best it will produce largely worthless promises to not increase emissions in future. At worst it will be a fraud on Australian taxpayers and consumers.
Australian citizen “convoy of no confidence” protests carbon tax for global warming hoax
“We need to show government that we don’t have confidence in people who stop an industry over night without any thought on how it is going to affect families who rely on the industry,” Ms Bakalian said.
The New Dark (Green) Age
Their long-term agenda is to destroy human industry and reduce human population. Thus they are opposed to farming, mining, fishing, forestry, exploration and cheap power.