Post Tagged with: "bailouts"

June 30, 2010 08:01

Job killing finance ‘reform’ bill nears deal

Michele Bachmann explains how the ‘reform’ bill does nothing to get at the root causes of the financial crisis and still uses borrowed taxpayer money to fund it. The bill makes government bailouts permanent.

June 25, 2010 06:57

The Law? How Quaint!

“Change you can believe in” is working out in practice to mean: If you don’t like the Constitution’s separation of powers — ignore it.

June 11, 2010 15:37

CBO: House financial regulation reform bill would increase deficit by $19.7B

This financial bill is a nightmare. ‘There is going to be a tremendous loss of freedom.’ Call your legislator NOW! 202-224-3121

May 28, 2010 09:16

Has the SEC Charged the Right People with Securities Fraud?

It appears that the age of soft tyranny has ended, so be ready for more taxpayer-funded bailouts due to government-designed economic bubbles, based on unsound economic policy, and justified through social justice — all of which will be followed by major economic collapses.

May 20, 2010 18:50

Heading for 99% debt to GDP

Pataki: Washington is blindly spending, blindly over regulating

May 19, 2010 20:22

We can’t go down the road to socialism

Sarah Palin on Americans bailing out Greek socialists and the Dodd bailout bill.

May 19, 2010 05:39

Hoyer: No Plans Yet by Democrats To End Fannie, Freddie Bailouts

Fannie and Freddie together own or guarantee $5.5 trillion worth of home mortgage loans – about half of all mortgages – and have been costing the taxpayers approximately $7 billion per month to keep afloat, after first being bailed out in September 2008.

April 30, 2010 04:12

GOP should have known they could not trust the Democrats

A raw deal for Republicans on financial regulatory reform

April 29, 2010 15:51

Both sides talking openess and seats at the table but can you trust the Dems?

Jim Angle at FOX reports on the bailout bill

April 28, 2010 09:26

Beck on GM’s lie about loan repayment, Dems’ lie about healthcare cost reduction

GM runs ads telling US its loan is fully repaid, but it used taxpayer TARP funds to pay it.