Post Tagged with: "carbon tax"

December 22, 2011 06:26

Electric rates going up thanks to Obama

Congress and Obama fight over a twenty dollar payroll tax cut while Obama drives up your electric bill and the cost of everything you buy. Every product and service requires energy. If energy rates are driven up by Obama’s green fantasy regulations (without congressional input) then the cost of every product and service goes up. Obama knows this but he doesn’t care. The hoopla over the payroll tax cut is a distraction from Obama driving up energy costs. LG&E recently […]

December 22, 2011 06:04

Obama’s lumps of coal for your stocking

[D]on’t be a frog and boil to death! Be an American, rise up, organize, pray, march in the streets and join the Tea Party. Demand that patriots and constitutionalists get in the House, Senate and White House in 2012. We don’t have time for depression or fear. We are in the battle of our life time and the world depends on us winning and so do our kids.

December 21, 2011 09:52

EU shoots itself in the head with air travel carbon tax

All air travel to Europe will be more expensive now thanks to the EU “court” deciding that a new carbon tax can apply to all air travel into any Eurozone country. – BBC

December 14, 2011 10:59

CEO blames potential “stupid” climate laws for not hiring and investing

“I don’t want to do any deals with the devil.” says TJ Rodgers CEO of Cypress Semiconductor. “If they want me to hire why don’t they create a stable favorable economic environment for business -we have the highest business taxes, number two in the world, and let us go do our job.” Investment which leads to jobs needs a stable business friendly environment not radical leftist policies being implemented on a grand scale.

December 14, 2011 10:59

CEO blames potential “stupid” climate laws for not hiring and investing

“I don’t want to do any deals with the devil.” says TJ Rodgers CEO of Cypress Semiconductor. “If they want me to hire why don’t they create a stable favorable economic environment for business -we have the highest business taxes, number two in the world, and let us go do our job.” Investment which leads to jobs needs a stable business friendly environment not radical leftist policies being implemented on a grand scale.

December 12, 2011 11:09

UN: US to pay climate reparations for harm to Mother Earth

Taxed Enough Already? The UN doesn’t think so. The new plan by globalists to extract wealth from the US and redistribute it to other nations in the name of “climate change” calls for global taxes on travel and financial transactions. They also want a world court of “climate justice” to be able to assess the US and other developed nations for reparations from harming “Mother Earth.”

November 29, 2011 09:08

UN green end run could cost US billions

UN [plans] taxes on carbon, international travel and shipping, international financial trades of stocks, bonds, derivatives and currency, and a wire tax for producing electricity, plus eliminating individual-country subsidies to fossil fuels and diverting that money to the Green Climate Fund.

November 21, 2011 09:17

Australians to punish carbon tax criticism

Bye bye free speech down under. The Australian government issued warnings to businesses that they will face whopping fines of up to $1.1m if they blame the carbon tax for inevitable price rises.

November 8, 2011 08:23

As the world turns away from “green” Australia Goes Back to the Dark Ages

Today the pagan green religion celebrates the first step in their long campaign to destroy industrial society and reduce population.

November 4, 2011 04:00

Bill Gates Urges Obama to Embrace Global Tax

[T]he Gates Foundation, proposes a financial transaction tax (FTT) as well as taxes on tobacco, aviation and bunker fuel, and carbon (energy), by G20 countries and other members of the European Union.