Post Tagged with: "census"

December 21, 2010 19:40

New census could hurt bankrupt states

Manhattan Institute Senior Fellow Steven Malanga on why the Census report could lead to less federal funding for those states that need it most.

July 20, 2010 05:15

Local Census Officials Instructed Workers to Falsify Questionnaires, Says Inspector General

The Commerce Department’s Inspector General (IG) has confirmed whistleblower allegations that management at a local Census office in Brooklyn, N.Y., “directed employees to falsify Census questionnaires during” the decennial count’s largest and most expensive operation known as Non-response Follow-Up.

June 8, 2010 04:11

Massive spending but no real jobs

Former U.S. Secretary of Labor William Brock on the issues surrounding Census job figures and lack of private sector job growth.

June 4, 2010 17:45

Obama administration manipulating census hires to fudge jobs

Michele Bachmann says Obama and Speaker Pelosi should admit stimulus was a mistake. Census is laying off and rehiring to count as multiple jobs and keep people off the unemployment rolls.

June 4, 2010 17:27

Census hires more than needed to inflate jobs numbers

The U.S. Census purposefully hired more workers than it needed, telling the Office of the Inspector General of the Commerce Department that it did so as a “cost-saving measure,”

June 1, 2010 08:55

ACORN video buster O’Keefe films fraud at the census

O’keefe videos various levels of census management urging falsification of time sheets in what could be a multi-million dollar fraud of taxpayer money.

May 25, 2010 05:02

Taxpayer Funded Terrorism

A top Republican congressman is demanding that the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) explain why it is leasing office space from a Northern Virginia Islamic center that has ties to a leading terrorist recruiter, even as a HUMAN EVENTS investigation reveals that the center itself is owned by a radical Muslim group.

April 5, 2010 07:28

Big Money Flows to State Races in anticipation of redistricting

Their goal is to win control of state governments ahead of the state-by-state process for redrawing congressional districts after the 2010 census.

March 10, 2010 10:19

The U.S. Census: “Rule of Law” or “Rule of Men”?

The federal government demands answers to questions which the Constitution does not permit them to ask, in order to administer programs which the Constitution does not authorize them to administer; and then they threaten you with a $5,000. fine if you don’t submit to their unconstitutional acts! That is the Rule of Men.

March 10, 2010 01:45

Census hiring blitz of 750,000 to cut jobless rate, offer boost to Obama

The U.S. Census Bureau expects to add up to 750,000 workers to its payroll by May, a hiring binge that could knock the unemployment rate down by as much as a half-point.