Post Tagged with: "Cuba"

February 3, 2012 05:26

Che Guevara’s Regime still Murdering the Young and the Defenseless

“The Cuban regime is a callous band of murderers that once again has blood on its hands,” said Senator Marco Rubio in a bi-partisan Senate Resolution passed on Jan. 26 in Villar’s honor. “Once again, we are reminded of the unintended but negative consequences of this administration’s loosened travel and remittance policies (to Cuba.) They help deliver more hard currency to the Castro regime, making it easier for them to brutalize and even murder the Cuban people.”

January 9, 2012 07:35

Iran Woos Anti-American Allies in Latin America

Iran has expanded its economic, political and military influence in Latin America, taking advantage of an upswell of anti-American sentiment in the region led by Chavez and his eight-nation Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas. –

December 21, 2011 07:11

Is Cuba behind the cyber-terrorism threat?

[W]ith American society increasingly interconnected and ever more dependent on information technology, terrorism experts worry that cyberterrorist attacks could cause as much devastation as more familiar forms of terrorism.

November 9, 2011 06:24

Obama Sells out Latin America to Reds

Marxists and/or anti-American leftists are in control of the following countries in Latin America: Venezuela, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Bolivia, Argentina, Peru, Cuba, and Brazil.

October 28, 2011 11:27

Hillary Clinton says “Castro needs to go” -next Obama target?

After Hillary said Gaddafi needs to go he wound up dead. Is Castro next?

September 27, 2011 05:33

Are we still friends? Fidel Castro calls Obama UN speech ‘gibberish’

Cuba’s ex-leader Fidel Castro says US President Barack Obama’s recent address to the UN was “gibberish” and an attempt to justify the “unjustifiable”. – BBC News

June 6, 2011 05:14

Ted Cruz: Cuban Ivy League Tea Partier for Senate

“[W]e are facing what I consider to be the epic battle of our generation, quite literally the battle over whether we remain a free market nation.” – Ted Cruz

March 24, 2011 07:22

Iran, Syria Benefit From U.N. Nuclear Assistance Program, Which the State Dep’t Insists on Funding in Full

[C]ountries currently designated as state-sponsors of terror – Iran, Syria, Sudan and Cuba – received more than $55 million in assistance from the International Atomic Energy Agency’s technical cooperation program. –

March 18, 2011 10:07

The Mexican war front – Obama AWOL

In first 9 months of 2010 663 individuals from “special interest countries”—such as Afghanistan, Libya, Pakistan, Somalia, and Yemen, as well as the four nations currently on the list of “state sponsors of terrorism,” which are Cuba, Iran, Syria, and Sudan entered illegally from Mexico. Those were just the ones apprehended.

March 15, 2011 01:00

Liberal Congressman Calls Cuba “Exciting” As American Hostage Rots in Cuban Jail

As Jewish American Alan Gross remains in a Cuban jail, held hostage by the Castro regime, Rep. Sam Farr (D-Calif.) gave a presentation on Sunday about how Cuba is “an exciting country” to visit and that all remaining restrictions on travel to Cuba should be lifted.