Post Tagged with: "energy subsidies"

December 31, 2010 05:43

Subsidy for wind energy will raise electricity prices on everyone

In the first step in a FERC scheme to socialize transmission costs nationwide the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is forcing states to pay for $20 billion in new transmission lines needed for wind power.

December 8, 2010 06:17

Green subsidies falling prey to economic reality across the globe

Across the world, unsustainable subsidies for wind and solar are being cut back.

November 23, 2010 04:45

Cars, Cattle and Ethanol

“Over the life of a car or a cow, they both produce the same carbon emissions. Every atom of carbon extracted from the air by the green plant eventually returns to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide, the plant food. This is the cycle of life.

November 19, 2010 06:12

The Obama Energy Tax Hike May Not Be Dead

President Obama is prepared to bring his cap and trade scheme back from the dead. Same agenda, different hidden message. Although companies and individuals may not necessarily be trading carbon credits in the future, they will be paying more for energy.