Post Tagged with: "Eric Cantor"

March 7, 2012 09:20

Cantor: There is a lack of certainty & leadership coming from the White House on Iran

Seems Obama was awfully anxious to bomb Libya. Could his 20 years at the feet of anti-Semite Jeremiah Wright have influenced Obama’s relationship with Israel? Rep. Cantor reiterates what many others have said about our campaigner-in-chief and that is there is no real leadership from the Saul Alinsky teaching radical Marxist in the White House.

March 5, 2012 10:26

Cantor Endorses Romney

“He’s the Only candidate that has put forth a bold pro-growth plan to grow this economy. That’s the central issue of this election. People want to see a better economic future and Mitt Romney is the only man in the race who’s actually had the experience that will enable him to do that.” – Rep. Eric Cantor

November 3, 2011 17:38

FBI: House majority leader’s family threatened

The FBI says a Tennessee man has been charged with threatening the family of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor of Virginia. – AP

October 12, 2011 11:08

Cantor: Obama can’t even get his own party to support his bill

Two Senate Democrats voted with the GOP to block the bogus jobs bill in the senate. Several other Democrats said they would vote against the bill if it came up for a vote.

August 5, 2011 07:15

With Unemployment At 9.2%, What Economic Theory Validates President Obama’s Desire To Raise Taxes?

Eric Cantor discusses Obama’s obsession with raising taxes on Neil Cavuto’s show.

August 4, 2011 06:42

President’s team in over their heads on jobs – Rep. Cantor

Majority leader Eric Cantor discusses cutting spending, the FAA fight and Obama’s anti-growth policies with Neil Cavuto.

July 27, 2011 05:20

Rep. Cantor: Obama’s policies “wrecking economy”

“We have to stop the spending and the promotion of these policies that are wrecking the economy.”

Eric Cantor recounts Obama’s petulant behavior at the White House debt meeting. In response to Cantor’s suggestion that Obama come off his insistence that the debt ceiling be extended past the 2012 election Obama said “don’t call my bluff.”

July 15, 2011 05:21

Boehner backs Cantor in debt talks

Senate leader Harry who led the senate in increasing the debt by $5 trillion in the last six years has said Rep. Eric Cantor should not be in the debt negotiations. Speaker Boehner defended Cantor saying “we have been in this fight together … we’re in the foxholes … what we’re trying to do is solve a problem that has eluded Washington for decades.”

July 14, 2011 05:33

Obama storms out of debt talks over ideological demand for tax increases

Time to wake up to the fact that this is the plan all along. Spend so much that he can force a tax increase. With Obama taxes are about ideology. To Obama taxes are for redistribution, punishment and “fairness” not revenue for the government.

June 23, 2011 04:40

Eric Cantor: President doesn’t understand

“We need trillions of dollars in savings and spending cuts.” “Only one in ten people in this country believe that unemployment is going to get any better in the next two years.” “A growth agenda is not a government program.”