Oh, you’ll read the stories about how many medications aren’t being imported in Greece, sheets are being re-used in hospitals, suicides have skyrocketed, and trash collection is erratic at best, but these articles are few and far between. The dire conditions and the depopulation of Ireland and Latvia get even less press.
Post Tagged with: "European currency"
After The Banksters Steal Money From Bank Accounts In Cyprus They Will Start Doing It EVERYWHERE
How would you feel if you woke up someday and 40% of all your money had been taken out of your bank accounts?
An Infinite Amount of Money – Et Tu, Italy?
Too many in power just don’t see the impending crisis that you and I see, or at least they don’t see the need to act now.
“Entirely Self-Made” Debt Crisis; I Love My Family But …
The average 7th grader likely understands that he cannot spend more money than he has for years on end. The average economist does not.
The Largest Economy In The World Is Imploding Right In Front Of Our Eyes
If you believe that Barack Obama, Mitt Romney or Ben Bernanke can somehow magically shield us from the economic shockwave that is coming then you are being delusional.
Eurozone Steepest Contraction Since June 2009; Unwarranted Hope and Reflections on Panic! Economists Can Neither Think Nor See
The global recession which started in Europe, is strengthening led by further declines in the eurozone.
Euro as Dodo Bird
We are on the verge of a complete break-down, one that is unavoidable no matter how much political gobbledegook is used to try to convince otherwise.
A Eurozone Crash Is Baked In The Cake
Those governments are all bankrupt. But much more serious than financial bankruptcy is their total moral and intellectual bankruptcy. At this point the Europeans are so craven and degraded they deserve to be indentured servants of the Chinese, which they will be.
Spain and The Runaway Euro Bailout Train
The situation has become so critical that European leaders reportedly are working on the issuance of joint euro bonds to rescue euro. That might save the euro, but here’s one scary question for all–How long can this bailout train and money printing press keep on running?
25 Signs That The Smart Money Has Completely Written Off Southern Europe
It is becoming increasingly clear that the upper crust of the financial world considers a Greek exit from the euro to be “inevitable” and that it also considers much of the rest of southern Europe to be a lost cause. Unfortunately, a financial collapse across southern Europe is also likely to trigger another devastating global recession.