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Post Tagged with: "European depression"
20 Signs That The Next Great Economic Depression Has Already Started In Europe
Things in Europe just continue to get worse and worse, and yet most people in the United States still don’t get it.
20 Facts About The Collapse Of Europe That Everyone Should Know
So if you are an American, don’t laugh at what is happening over in Europe at the moment. We are headed down the exact same path that they have gone, and we are going to experience the same kind of suffering that they are going through right now.
Why OMT Cannot Possibly Solve Anything; Monti Warns Italian Unions; Over 200,000 Jobs at Risk; Italy’s Insane Labor Rules
The first structural problem is preposterous labor work rules in Italy, Spain, and Greece. The second structural problem is the ECB and the euro itself. One size interest rate policy cannot possibly work in a mix of cultures and work rules.
Germany in Recession: Private Sector Sees Fastest Falls in Output and New Business Since June 2009; New Export Orders Collapse
The vaunted German export machine is sinking into the abyss.
12 Signs That Spain Is Shifting Gears From Recession To Depression
Financial markets all over the globe are very nervous right now because if the Spanish government ends up asking for a full-blown bailout it could spell the end for the eurozone. There simply is not enough money to do the same kind of thing for Spain that is being done for Greece.
EU band-aid won’t stop bleeding to death
The truth is that the financial crisis in Europe has not been cancelled – it has just been put off for a few weeks or a few months.
Global recession could lead to $60 oil
Throw in the fact that it seems everybody (governments as well as consumers) is in debt, nobody has any money, credit issues are becoming increasingly burdensome to deficit financing to artificially stimulate growth via the government intervention route, all these factors are forming a perfect storm for the oil market to face some major headwinds for the next 5 years.
Forget The Election Results – Greece Is Still Doomed And So Is The Rest Of Europe
Right now the ingredients for a “perfect storm” are developing in Europe. Government spending is being slashed all across the continent, ECB monetary policy is very tight, new regulations and deteriorating economic conditions are causing major banks to cut back on lending and there is panic in the air.
UK Back in Recession, Did it Really Ever Leave? Disappointing Details; Five Reasons the UK Recession Will Get Much Worse
If you thought the euro would help Europe, you thought wrong. The Euro made a disaster in Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Greece, and Italy. It’s time to abandon that failed idea.