Post Tagged with: "Executive orders"

April 19, 2012 04:34

Oceans taken over by ececutive order – what’s next?

Obama decides to bypass congress again and tyrannically take over use of the oceans by executive fiat. Four more years of this tyranny?

April 15, 2012 14:42

“Greenbacks” energy boondoggles versus real energy

Wind, solar, algae and switchgrass companies take billions in Other People’s Money. They pay virtually no taxes, and provide virtually no usable energy, except in the minds and press releases of their promoters.

April 15, 2012 14:31

Power Grab for Natural Gas – New Executive Order

The new Executive Order issued [Friday the 13th], “Supporting Safe and Responsible Development of Unconventional Domestic Natural Gas Resources” must give you pause.

April 10, 2012 05:22

Is Obama ‘Dangerously Close To Totalitarianism’?

Given the president’s end-runs around Congress, his shredding of the Constitution and his assault on the authority of the courts, a second term free of electoral restraints may be a frightening prospect. – IBD Editorials

March 19, 2012 04:20

The Fear of Martial Law

In effect, the Executive Order allows the federal government, directed by the President, to commandeer and control all aspects of the economy and the lives of all Americans. It centralizes control to an astonishing and frightening degree.

December 19, 2011 05:37

Executive Orders

Today we have a government that is careening out of control and those we have elected to protect our rights by upholding the Constitution are abusing our rights and subverting the Constitution.

November 16, 2011 10:24

Gingrich speech at Values Voter Summit

Let me be clear. Judicial supremacy is factually wrong, it is morally wrong, and it is an affront to the American system of self-government. (Cheers, applause.) One of the major reasons that I am running for president of the United States is the 9th Circuit Court decision in 2002 that one nation under God, in the Pledge of Allegiance, was unconstitutional.

November 8, 2011 10:06

Levin: U.S. Has Become A ‘Post-Constitutional Gov’t’ Heading For ‘Utopian Tyranny’

Radio host and best selling author of Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto Mark Levin explains how our government has abandoned the constitution. Video clip from CNSNews:

August 22, 2011 17:30

Obama Tells La Raza He Can’t Change Laws ‘On His Own’ (And Then Does)

On July 25th Barack Obama told the National Council of La Raza (“The Race”): “I know some people want me to bypass Congress and change the laws on my own… The idea of doing things on my own is very tempting. But that’s not how — that’s not how our system works.” Then on August 18th, he did bypass Congress, changed those laws “on his own”, and began a massive amnesty-by-decree for potential millions of illegal aliens. – From StandWithAZ

August 9, 2011 15:22

Obama’s Executive Order and the First Amendment

President Obama appears to want to institutionalize the spoils system by making political affiliation part of the bidding process on federal contracts. Rather than awarding the contracts to the companies that provide the best combination of prices and services, the contracts may flow to political allies.