Post Tagged with: "Faith Freedom"

November 12, 2013 06:00

War on Religious Freedom

A well-orchestrated campaign is moving to fundamentally transform the United States into a scrupulously secular nation.

March 21, 2013 15:16

Eroding Parents’ Rights

If Eric Holder is successful in establishing a legal precedent that parents have no natural right to educate their own children, then it is no exaggeration to say that America is only one generation away from our constitution being reduced to a hollow shell. The American people better wake up, and wake up fast.

January 8, 2013 06:02

Beware Technocracy -The Allure and Danger of Scientism

Sadly, too many of us then grow accustomed to our chains. We become children, or pupils of the State (like “Julia”). We continue to elect leaders who perpetuate the cycle of the “Welfare State” based significantly on the lies of scientism. It’s time for Americans to wake up ….

December 21, 2012 05:27

Confronting Christmas

When Christians truly celebrate Christmas, we celebrate not just a birthday, but the beginning of a sequence of events that would change the world forever.

December 17, 2012 11:30

God and Prayer OK Only After Tragedy

Gov. Huckabee discusses the lack of the spiritual dimension in our schools and how praying and speaking God’s name is always OK AFTER a tragedy but not before. Pushing God out of our culture leaves a vacuum that quickly fills with a culture of violence and death. If there is no God, there is no evil, no right or wrong. We are teaching our children moral relativism which is really that there are no morals.

December 11, 2012 06:37

‘Lord of the Rings’ Expert Reveals Deeper Message in ‘The Hobbit’

Overcoming vices and evil, or “dragons,” in The Hobbit is not just the result of outward actions but the inner changes that have occurred.

December 10, 2012 07:36

Answering Liberals’ ‘Gotcha’ Questions

Thus, as a public service to conservative Christians everywhere, but especially to those running for public office, this column is a primer for how to answer those “gotcha” questions that any candidate opposing a liberal will inevitably have to answer.

November 8, 2012 08:18

Where is Your Strength?

The last four years will be but a prelude to the horrendous destruction these looters will do to the American Experiment in the next four.

September 11, 2012 05:00

The Anti-God Party

[T]he exclusions of “God” and “Jerusalem” (as the capital of Israel) from the official Democratic Party platform last week. [] were intentional exclusions that reflect the changing values of an increasingly secular party that’s hostile to Israel and America’s Judeo-Christian character. – Human Events

August 26, 2012 08:51

Being a Pastor and Speaking Out in Today’s Culture

Is it right that pastors should remain silent about important matters in society that are being debated in the public square because someone is trying to establish in our culture that there is no place in politics for religious beliefs or moral convictions that have been born out of a faith commitment?