Post Tagged with: "fraud"

March 30, 2017 06:43

Scientists Are Liars Now

Today’s scientists get paid for results that fit their funders so “they cheat [….] and eventually you get what you want.”

March 26, 2016 05:25

Our Fascist President

Thomas Sowell reminded us in June of 2012 that Obama is more fascist than socialist. All he (and we) warned you about has proven to be true. See “Socialist or Fascist” at

February 17, 2015 05:18

Why the Dems Will Choose Amnesty Over Security

Media heads are trying to blame the GOP for DHS running out of funding but it is the Senate Democrats “amnesty before anything” that stops security funding. Here’s why.

October 7, 2014 05:18

Democrats LIE to get Elected – Don’t Be STUPID Again

Kentucky Senate candidate Grimes shown to be lying about support for coal to fool Kentucky’s largely Democrat voters who have had some of the lowest electric rates in the US thanks to coal. Recent EPA policies have cost Kentucky thousands of jobs in coal and related industries and made the cost of electricity skyrocket just as Obama promised he would do in 2008.

April 27, 2014 18:31

US Marine Vet: Obama Lied to Me

People waking up the propaganda about Obamacare and the lies our Decepticon president tells.

February 26, 2014 08:47

Dem Tyranny Spreads

You can see how Obama would appoint someone to the FCC, which controls our media, who has praised the actions of former socialist dictator Hugo Chavez in suppressing free speech in Venezuela. Yes, Obama’s appointee Mark Lloyd really did that! More…>>>

December 12, 2013 06:26

Comrade Mandela’s Secret Life

What was he trying to hide? And was there more to it than mere membership in the SACP?

November 12, 2013 08:00

Apologies from Utopia

Obama has apologized. Not for lying, but for the inability of an idiotic public to understand that he has nothing to apologize for. In apologizing, Obama is really forgiving us for not being as smart as he is. He is condescending to our diminished intelligence by apologizing for our misunderstanding of him. He is sorry for how stupid we are that we actually believed him.

November 6, 2013 16:24

Grand Theft Obama: Biggest Heist in History

The American people are being robbed of their livelihoods, their security and their freedom. President Obama makes grand sweeping gestures and delivers soaring rhetoric about helping the poor and achieving fairness. But he merely draws our attention away from the hand that is reaching deep into our pockets.

November 6, 2013 06:34

Fantasy Climate Change – Models Wrong for Over 25 Years

In every single case, the observed trend lies below the model average trend.