Post Tagged with: "global movement"

June 26, 2013 14:35

The Smoking Gun – direct link between Agenda 21 and local planners!

Sustainability is anti free enterprise, anti private property, and anti individual – and that’s why we oppose it.

June 18, 2013 08:03

U.N. Continues Push for Global Hegemony with Climate Hoax

Uncle UN is going to make sure that our wealth is evenly distributed across the planet in its global communism vision.

April 17, 2013 09:09

Collecting Your Children – It Takes a (Communist) Village

Disparaging biological parents, community organizers and teachers encouraged the worship of the communist party and its absolute tyrannical leader as the only source of parental advice and guidance.

April 16, 2013 05:02

Connecting the Dots: From the UN to Your State Government

There is a direct link between UN international Agenda 21 policy and American state governments.

January 16, 2013 11:21

All Americans to Pay More Global “Fair Share”

Who really believes that climate change, poverty, and inequality are a greater source of conflict than the military posturing of totalitarian regimes like Iran and North Korea? Apparently liberals do and are trying their hardest to convince the brainwashed low information Americans.

October 25, 2012 06:10

“Alger Hiss Day” a Reminder of U.N.’s Anti-Americanism

A communist assumed a major position of authority and power in the State Department and then used that influence to create a world organization that has been exploited for anti-American purposes ever since.

October 2, 2012 08:03

Throwing Money at Climate Lies

“In a few months, we will reach the critical point when there has been no global warming for more than half of the satellite temperatures record—which extends back to 1978.”

June 29, 2012 09:09

EU adopts plan to take over sovereign nations’ budgets – welcome to the EUSSR

Eurozone leaders backed a ten year plan that would give an EU treasury powers over national budgets. The plan uses vague leftist socialist code words that could be interpreted to justify just about any decisions made.

June 26, 2012 09:52

Sustainable Development: The latest UN scare

Advancing “social equity” and “environmental justice,” in ways that Rio+20 sought to do, would actually have meant perpetuating poverty for developing countries, and reducing living standards in wealthier countries. The goal, as in all previous incarnations of Rio+20, was to ensure more equal sharing of increasing scarcity – except for ruling elites.

May 24, 2012 07:18

L.O.S.T. in U.N. La La Land – another Dem push for global government

[Law of the Sea Treaty would] establish control over 70% of the world’s surface; create an international governing institution that would serve as a model for bringing nation states like ours to heel; and redistribute the planet’s wealth and technology from the developed world to themselves.