Post Tagged with: "Gosnell"

June 4, 2013 06:13

Left’s Culture of Death Gave Us Gosnell – and Will Again

Further illustrating America’s moral decay, when it comes to protecting children who survive an abortion, no less than the man most recently elected (twice!) President of the U.S., Barack Hussein Obama himself, advocated a position that differs little from Gosnell’s.

May 14, 2013 07:38

Party of (D)eath Blind to Mass Murder of Children

The Democrats and their sycophant press have done a good job suppressing the news about possibility the greatest mass murderer in American history. 55% of Americans say they have not even heard of Dr. Gosnell’s little shop of abortion horrors.

April 25, 2013 05:43

Dr. Alveda King on Site at Gosnell Trial

So don’t believe lies and half truths. Abortion is evil. Abortion hurts women and kills human persons (babies and mothers).

January 31, 2011 05:38

More Tragic Results of Progressive ‘Values’

Thomas Jefferson said, “The care of human life and happiness and not their destruction is the only legitimate object of good government.”

January 24, 2011 08:45

Gruesome abortionist case – no inspections since 1993

Despite multiple civil suits local authorities failed to do any kind of inspections on Philadelphia’s shop of horrors. Squalid conditions, unlicensed medical help, and baby feet kept in jars all found at this abortion mill where babies were fully born than murdered.

January 24, 2011 05:47

Gruesome photos included in abortion doctors grand jury report

Baby feet in jars, a baby boy ‘big enough to walk around with me’ and the killing neck cut are all included in the grand jury report of the abortion shop of horrors run by Gosnell. Warning – this is ‘choice’ at its ugliest.