Post Tagged with: "green corruption"

June 6, 2012 07:26

White House green corruption

So BrightSource has its government loan, and PG&E has committed to buying BrightSource’s expensive solar power, instead of cheap natural gas, in order to fulfill California’s renewable electricity generation requirement. – Washington Examiner

May 15, 2012 04:15

Wheels are coming off the wind energy gravy train

“the tax subsidy has sustained the industry on a scale that wouldn’t have been possible if they had to follow the same rules as everyone else.” A level playing field would mean that wind developers would also lose its exemptions from environmental and economic laws that all other businesses must abide by.

April 26, 2012 09:51

Russians buy bankrupt green battery co. touted by Obama-Biden as “the future”

Why do Obama’s green Utopian dreams so often end up costing taxpayers billions of dollars? I wonder how much of that lost $200 million found its way into campaign donations to Obama 2012. Obama’s radical leftist ideology is bankrupting the nation. can we afford four more years of this insanity?

April 20, 2012 08:39

Your money gone with the wind – AGAIN

$70 MILLION blowin’ in the wind extra paid by consumers for wind energy they didn’t get to use. Previously a wind company was paid $50 MILLION to NOT produce energy. The Wall Street Journal reported on a study that shows the Utopian green dream of free wind energy has cost $14 MILLION per permanent job. Four more years of this insanity?

April 20, 2012 07:25

New evidence of White House illegality in Solyndra scandal

Emails show the White House adamantly kept the GSA away from Solyndra right before it illegally restructured the failed loan to protect a big Obama campaign donor leaving taxpayers on the hook for over $500 million.

April 20, 2012 05:20

Florida’s green tyranny slips “under the radar” in legislative session

H.B. 7117 gives a staggering $100 million in taxpayer subsidies to the renewable energy industry during the next five years. … directs state legislators to give special preference to expensive wind and solar power while placing new obstacles in the path of affordable natural gas and coal power. … authorizes local governments to impose their own taxes and fees on consumers.

April 18, 2012 09:46

Palin: Dear America, Our Orwellian President Fails on Energy

And what do we get in return on our investment in big government? Less energy security. Less allowance for resource development. More EPA regulations to de-industrialize our country and kill jobs. More opportunities shipped overseas as we allow others to produce for us that which our government refuses to allow us to produce for ourselves!

April 18, 2012 05:55

The Answer Really Isn’t Blowing in the Wind

$90-billion investment to subsidize renewable energy sources in the natural world does surprisingly little. This amount, allocated in 2009’s American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to subsidize green energy initiatives, has thus far yielded today’s bustling “renewable-energy sector” that employs roughly 140,000 Americans. And even that dismal figure is wildly inflated. – American Thinker

April 15, 2012 14:42

“Greenbacks” energy boondoggles versus real energy

Wind, solar, algae and switchgrass companies take billions in Other People’s Money. They pay virtually no taxes, and provide virtually no usable energy, except in the minds and press releases of their promoters.

April 3, 2012 10:20

Obama green energy plan goes bust – AGAIN

Is anyone keeping track of the billions being wasted on Obama’s green dreams? He continues to double down on spending your money on green schemes that have proven NOT to work. Wind and solar energy have been around since the 1800’s. They are not new. They still do not work no matter how much Utopian HOPE there is for a CHANGE in reality.