Post Tagged with: "green energy loans"

April 18, 2012 05:55

The Answer Really Isn’t Blowing in the Wind

$90-billion investment to subsidize renewable energy sources in the natural world does surprisingly little. This amount, allocated in 2009’s American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to subsidize green energy initiatives, has thus far yielded today’s bustling “renewable-energy sector” that employs roughly 140,000 Americans. And even that dismal figure is wildly inflated. – American Thinker

April 15, 2012 14:42

“Greenbacks” energy boondoggles versus real energy

Wind, solar, algae and switchgrass companies take billions in Other People’s Money. They pay virtually no taxes, and provide virtually no usable energy, except in the minds and press releases of their promoters.

April 9, 2012 05:43

Subsidized and Expensive Solar Energy Bites the Dust Again

The reality is that there is no cheaper substitute right now for fossil fuels as a source of energy, no matter how the administration and its proponents spin it.

March 23, 2012 04:43

Let my people drill – North Dakota oil boom creates record low unemployment rate of .08%

America is awash in oil. A nationwide industry boom could reduce unemployment, boost the economy, lower gas prices and free us from terrorist sponsored oil. The boom in North Dakota’s Williams county has dropped their unemployment rate to a record .o8%.

March 22, 2012 04:08

Obama Doubles Down On Dim Renewable Energy Plan

A new report by a White House-appointed commission concluded that the U.S. could lose as much as $2.7 billion as a result of the loans offered to the renewable energy industry. – IBD Editorials

March 21, 2012 17:46

$50 million for 10 solar jobs – you can tell it’s not Obama’s money

Already having blown over $2 BILLION on failed green energy companies Obama hopes to convince you that you need to pay higher energy prices to funnel money to Democrat donor companies that have jumped on the Obama green train. Of course it’s your green they’re after. [update: an Arizona paper says it’s only 5 jobs]

March 15, 2012 03:55

Solar Energy: Popular but Corrupt

Crony capitalism and political payback in the form of green energy company subsidies (spelled “bailouts at taxpayer expense”) continue. And Obama wants four more years to route taxpayer-funded subsidies to people who donate to his re-election campaign. – American Thinker

March 12, 2012 04:32

The Predestined Failure of Obama’s Energy Policy

When Obama said, on multiple occasions, “energy prices will necessarily skyrocket” and “electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket,” he meant it. – American Thinker

March 9, 2012 07:12

$14 million per permanent “green” wind job – How Obama’s Anti-Energy Policy Kills Jobs

Obama’s policies are destined to damage the economy because they will penalize the efficient, job-creating oil and natural gas industry, …. and because they will raise energy costs for American consumers and manufacturers.

March 2, 2012 09:35

$9 million dollars per green job – Are we insane? – Four more years of this?

Ten “green” companies funded by your money have failed miserably in Obama’s green schemes. Meanwhile the price of gas and electricity skyrockets as Obama promised in 2008. $16 billion has gone to companies with ties to Obama campaign contributors.