Post Tagged with: "high energy prices"

September 4, 2013 05:46

Obama’s Crown Jewell of Thought Police

Interior Secretary wants blindly faithful warmists only in her department. Question the green god’s dogma and its hit the road Jack. We warned about Obama’s nominee’s continuing his radical ideological “green” push to raise energy costs.

July 10, 2013 15:46

Obama’s War on Jobs

Remember this is a president who said “under my plan electricity rates will necessarily skyrocket.” Obama seems to be doing everything he can to increase energy costs. Higher energy costs means fewer jobs. More ….

June 18, 2013 05:39

Sunset for Solar Subsidies

“Any politician who bleats about high electricity prices needs to look no further than the stupid energy policies that are causing most of them. We do not have an energy crisis – we have an energy policy crisis.”

May 2, 2013 06:04

Let My Energy Go! Obama Depresses Economy With Green Agenda

More than any other in history, the Obama administration is using its executive powers to delay, obstruct, hyper-regulate, penalize and bankrupt the proven energy that is the foundation of modern living standards.

November 13, 2012 06:57

Michigan Wackos Lost Vote for Suicidal Green Energy Initiative

Wind energy is parasitic – totally dependent on fossil fuels for backup power, with every megawatt of wind power supported by a megawatt of redundant coal or natural gas generating plants. So wind cannot possibly or meaningfully reduce emissions.

May 3, 2012 12:09

The Human Consequences of Obama’s EPA War on Coal

EPA policies may add $52 billion to Americans’ electricity bills by 2022. That means higher energy bills for Maria Tworek and everyone else who buys electricity. There are real, human consequences of electricity price hikes, something that policymakers would do well to keep in mind.

April 27, 2012 04:34

The Obama administration’s anti-energy policies and supporters

Americans are being deliberately starved of the energy sources we have in abundance. We are being robbed in the form of higher prices for electricity produced in the most expensive fashion, wind and solar, instead of affordable coal. Not only are gasoline prices up, but the government continues to demand more mileage per gallon of gas.

April 24, 2012 14:03

Ethanol E15 scheme wreaking havoc on subsidies, food prices and the environment

The Obama Administration’s anti-hydrocarbon ideology and “renewable” energy mythology continues to subsidize crony capitalists and the politicians they help keep in office – on the backs of American taxpayers, ratepayers and motorists. The latest chapter in the sorry ethanol saga is a perfect example.

April 5, 2012 04:20

Canadians Protest Wind Power Subsidies That Raise Rates

“unbridled and unnecessary development” of wind power projects throughout Ontario, “which is altering rural communities, causing power bills to rise dramatically, and even causing some people to become ill from exposure to the environmental noise.”

March 14, 2012 18:17

Sen. Barrasso: Obama “fully responsible” for pain at the pump

Obama had the audacity to pressure Democrat senators to block approval of the Keystone XL pipeline which would provide millions of barrels of Canadian oil to the US and create thousands of real jobs. Obama seems to be doing everything he can to kill jobs and drive up gas prices. Not surprising when you remember his anti-energy secretary is infamous for saying the US needs to find a way to have higher gas prices like those in Europe. Obama himself warned in 2008 that under his plans energy rates would “necessarily skyrocket.” Look at what they do not what they say.