Post Tagged with: "homosexual lobby"

April 16, 2013 06:18

California’s Attack on Boy Scouts Continue

“[W]e are a little unnerved by the idea that those who currently hold political power in our State might now use that power to bankrupt any organization that does not agree with them.”

July 14, 2011 07:45

New Disclosures in Brian Ross Hatchet Job on Bachmann

The failure of Ross to interview any of the ex-gays can be explained by his subservience to the homosexual lobby, which dominates the media business.

July 13, 2011 04:45

Impotent Media Guns Fire Blanks at Bachmann

The Brian Ross hit piece follows an attack on the popular Congresswoman by Matt Taibbi in Rolling Stone magazine, ”Michele Bachmann’s Holy War,” where he smeared Bachmann as “a religious zealot whose brain is a raging electrical storm of divine visions and paranoid delusions.”

May 26, 2011 04:09

The Homosexual Agenda

What concerns the majority heterosexual component of society is the aggressive way the homosexual lifestyle and agenda for same-sex marriage is being advocated. It has become a political and educational issue.

June 23, 2010 10:53

Obama Expands His Pro-Homosexual Agenda by Regulation, ‘Interpretation’

“Piece by anti-democratic piece, the White House is executing its plan for a vast expansion of presidential power,” the Family Research Council said. “What this administration has accomplished is nothing less than suspending the power of Congress.”

April 26, 2010 03:25

The War to ENDA All Wars

Essentially, Congress would be establishing a caste system, where the “rights” of homosexuals trump the First Freedoms of any employer. At the very least, it will force people out of business. At its worst, it will bully into silence every American who disagrees with homosexual behavior.

March 18, 2010 22:51

Hate Is Not A Family Value

The reason we make the connection between conservatism and hate is because gay rights activists have over the past 20 years of so established that connection through an astonishingly effective campaign of propaganda.

March 12, 2010 04:52

Citing Threat to Free Speech, House GOP Leaders Demand That Defense Secretary Explain Why Gays-in-the-Military Critic Was Barred from Air Force Prayer Meeting

The current and former House Republican Whips are calling on Defense Secretary Robert Gates to explain the “written or unwritten policies” that led the Air Force to rescind its invitation to conservative leader Tony Perkins from speaking at a national prayer luncheon at Andrews Air Force Base because he disagrees with President Obama’s policy on Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.

March 10, 2010 05:00

Five Myths about Same Sex ‘Marriage’

Those who oppose same-sex “marriage” are called by derogatory labels: bigot, narrow-minded, hate-filled among the nicest. Such name-calling obscures the very real problems associated with watering down and denigrating traditional marriage.

March 9, 2010 01:30

Hail to the Chiefs – defending the troops in the culture war

General James Conway declared flatly, “I think the current policy works….At this point…my best military advice to this committee, to the [Defense] Secretary, and to the President would be to keep the law such as it is.” Semper fidelis.