Post Tagged with: "hyperinflation"

February 7, 2011 07:01

The Cause and Evidence of Inflation

The Fed and Treasury have set out on a deliberate strategy of creating inflation in order to monetize most of the $14.1 trillion national debt— a debt that is growing by well over a trillion dollars per year!

February 3, 2011 07:10

Inflation is Here to Stay

For me, there is no escaping the conclusion that inflation will continue to surge. Inflation is, after all, the increase in money supply.

January 25, 2011 07:01

The Plain Truth on our Fiscal Cancer

Judge Napolitano explains how Obama’s continued spending and the federal reserve printing money is enslaving us to debt and inflation.

January 18, 2011 07:35

Inflation hits 3.7% in UK after record monthly increase

UK inflation has surged to its highest level since April 2010 as the rising cost of food and oil continued to hit consumers and businesses.

January 14, 2011 04:58

Govt says no inflation but there are riots over food prices

Cotton is trading at an all time high. Flooding in Australia could cause rising beef and wool prices. Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke says he has inflation in control. “Who you gonna believe, me or your own lyin’ eyes?” ~Groucho Marx

January 13, 2011 10:18

US economy is just the best horse in the glue factory

Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson co-chairs of Obama’s Deficit Commission explain the dire consequences of continuing deficit spending and rising debt. Economic collapse will ‘be very swift and very dramatic’.

January 7, 2011 07:39

Inflation of 27.2% in Venezuela in 2010, record in Latin America

How’s that socialist revolution workin’ out for ya Chavez?

December 23, 2010 10:12

Here’s The Triple Threat That Could Spin The Globe Into A Deeper Recession

2011 likely will open with a deepening recession, increasing austerity, and falling asset prices. I expect these developments not to happen gradually, but to come in great waves.

December 23, 2010 08:38

US as Argentina

The decline in Argentina as a parallel to what is happening in our country.

December 16, 2010 05:04

John Williams: Hyperinflation Will Start in the Next Couple Months

John Williams of Shadowstats has repeatedly warned that our economy is not doing as well as some would have you believe. From unemployment to GDP to current and future liabilities, there are fundamental problems that will not be resolved anytime soon – in fact, they’re likely to get worse.