Post Tagged with: "Islam"

July 9, 2012 19:33

The Rise and Threat of Radical Islam: An Interview with Brigitte Gabriel

Right now, we have a President who is practically endangering the lives of Americans by putting foreign interests first, before America, while ignoring what needs to be done in order to protect and secure the United States of America, the same country he took an oath to protect—he’s not doing the job.

July 2, 2012 06:36

Obama Funds Muslim Brotherhood Middle East Hegemony

You’d think it would at least tie aid to Cairo to verifiable actions on the ground, not platitudes and eyewash for Western audiences. Instead, it’s already releasing $1.5 billion in no-strings-attached cash to the new regime. – IBD

June 19, 2012 03:00

Trying to Drag the Middle East into the 21st Century

Islam and democracy do not mix. What the Egyptian and Iranian revolutions have in common is the support of many different factions that brought them about, but once Islamists are in power, Sharia law drags a nation back to the seventh century.

June 14, 2012 07:38

Everything’s Coming Up Jihad

The Muslim Brotherhood’s arms in America operate as civil rights groups, and Islamization is a civil rights movement, as much as any of them. Like them, it believes in taking away the right of other people to be left alone, to live and let live and to be treated equally under the law.

May 24, 2012 04:51

Obama Neuters War on Islamic Terrorists

The Obama Administration is rapidly revising federal counter-terrorism training materials in order to eliminate references to Jihad and Islam. … Ominously, he said that U.S.-based groups sympathetic or linked to the Muslim Brotherhood are reported to have had an influence on the federal committee set up to review the materials, ..

May 18, 2012 04:16

New Doubts on Obama’s Christian Identity

Edward Klein telling Sean Hannity that Jeremiah Wright, former pastor of United Church of Christ in Chicago, told him that he “made it comfortable” for Obama to accept Christianity “without having to renounce his Islamic background.”… Muslims could join Wright’s church without giving up their Muslim faith.

May 3, 2012 04:10

Bush and Obama, Both Wrong About the Middle East

The U.S. has tried diplomacy and it has failed. It has tried military intervention and it has failed. To the degree that President Obama has opted to get out, it looks like the right policy for now and the future. To the degree that he has weakened the U.S. military, it is the worst possible choice he has made.

May 2, 2012 07:00

Review: Did Muhammad Exist? An Inquiry into Islam’s Obscure Origins

Islam, however, is the very real Hound from Hell now roaming the earth, causing unimaginable suffering and death in nations where Islam rules, invading Western countries with hordes of assimilation-hostile faithful imbued with an implacable enmity for Western values and culture, waging constant violent and stealth jihad in countries its advocates mean to conquer and bring under Islamic and Sharia rule…. But the bogeyman is a phony. A contrivance. A will-o’-the-wisp designed to frighten men into submission or silence. Ignis fatuus. Mere methane. – Capitalism Magazine

May 1, 2012 09:02

Chris Christie’s Islam Problem

Time and again he has sided with Islamist forces against those who worry about safeguarding American security and civilization.

April 20, 2012 06:17

Afghanistan At Home

It is not Afghanistan or Pakistan that are being integrated into Europe and America, rather Europe and America are being integrated into Afghanistan and Pakistan. Muslim norms of behavior and thought are being imposed on the vulnerable minds of the West.