Post Tagged with: "Islamic Sharia law"

August 23, 2010 04:35

Ground Zero mosque rally

Fox News covers the Coalition to Honor Ground Zero’s rally against the Ground Zero Mosque this Sunday. Frank Gaffney discusses the issue and gives a preview of the rally. For more information, see

August 3, 2010 06:14

Gingrich Sounds the Alarm about the Stealth Jihad

Newt Gingrich has become the first major politician to acknowledge that the problem America faces today from Islamic jihadists is not simply one of terrorism, but of a larger attempt to insinuate elements of Islamic law (sharia) into American society, and to assert the principle that where sharia and American law conflict, it is American law that must give way.

June 24, 2010 04:03

Supreme Court nominee Kagan and Sharia Law

Kagan remained silent when a Saudi donor put up $20 million dollars to establish a Center for Islamic Studies that cleared the way for the promotion of Sharia Law – a Muslim theology that many believe embraces repression and sexism.