Post Tagged with: "Islamic supremacism"

November 12, 2013 05:40

If You’re Anti-Jihad and White, That Makes You a Racist?

These are the academic motions and machinations of a nation preparing itself (particularly its young people) for suicide.

March 11, 2013 04:11

Gore’s Terror TV Deal Now a Major Scandal

The idea was to make the Terror TV channel “palatable to U.S. lawmakers,” a formulation that suggests foreign lobbying on Capitol Hill in order to protect the $500 million payoff to Gore and other owners and investors in Current TV.

October 1, 2012 06:55

Muslim Violence is Our New Law

[N]ow our utopian lawyer-kings, our armies of bleeding-heart social justice activist, our legions of bureaucrats stamping their papers over our skulls, our grinning black-robed activist judges wielding their gavels like swords, are cringing in terror before a Muslim mob.

July 11, 2012 10:35

Why the West Loves Lying to Itself About Islam

Everyone knows that Islam is violent in the deeper parts of their minds, where common sense observations directly gathered from experience go. Give people permission to point out the obvious and they will turn angrily on those who lied to them and manipulated them for decades. Worse still, they will brand them incompetent fools who cannot be trusted with the reins of government.

June 14, 2012 07:38

Everything’s Coming Up Jihad

The Muslim Brotherhood’s arms in America operate as civil rights groups, and Islamization is a civil rights movement, as much as any of them. Like them, it believes in taking away the right of other people to be left alone, to live and let live and to be treated equally under the law.

May 24, 2012 04:51

Obama Neuters War on Islamic Terrorists

The Obama Administration is rapidly revising federal counter-terrorism training materials in order to eliminate references to Jihad and Islam. … Ominously, he said that U.S.-based groups sympathetic or linked to the Muslim Brotherhood are reported to have had an influence on the federal committee set up to review the materials, ..

June 17, 2011 04:12

The Terrorist Next Door

What too many Americans have yet to come to grips with is that the inherent message and duty of Islam is a never-ending war on “infidels”—and in particular the West—is jihad.

February 25, 2011 06:00

The United Caliphate States of Europe

[A] degree of thought control and limitations of freedom of expression without parallel in the Western world since the 18th century … Islam and Islamic values now have a level of immunity from comment and criticism in the Western world that Christianity has lost and Judaism has never had.

May 12, 2010 04:32

SIOA Rally Calls for Halt to Plans for Ground Zero Mosque

The human rights group Stop Islamization of America (SIOA) is hosting a rally at Ground Zero to protest the construction of a mosque at the site of the Islamic terror attack that brought down the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001.

April 7, 2010 04:22

Obama Bans Words Islam, Jihad From National Security Strategy Document

Taking out names of terror won’t make us any safer and may blind us to the root causes of the terrorist threats.