Post Tagged with: "Islamic terrorism"

September 12, 2011 06:30

Rumsfeld: Obama “much worse” at being too PC about radical Islam

Rumsfeld expressed regret that the Bush administration had been too worried about political correctness in the war on terror but the Obama administration is “much worse.”

June 17, 2011 04:12

The Terrorist Next Door

What too many Americans have yet to come to grips with is that the inherent message and duty of Islam is a never-ending war on “infidels”—and in particular the West—is jihad.

June 14, 2011 04:26

Study Shows 81% US Mosques Promote Texts Advocating Violent Jihad

Incubating jihad. Frank Gaffney appears on Fox News to discuss the release of a new study, “Shari’a and Violence in American Mosques,” written by Mordechai Kedar and David Yerushalmi. For more information on the study– published in Middle East Quarterly’s Summer 2011 issue– go to

April 21, 2011 05:46

Rep. Keith Ellison equates radical Islamic terrorists with Christians, Supremacists, Jews

Far left radical Rep.Keith Ellison told Sean Hannity that America is at war with Muslim, Christian and Jewish terrorists.

April 19, 2011 07:23

(UPDATED) DOJ Source: Gov’t Muslim ‘Outreach’ Jeopardized Active Terror Investigations

“Muslim outreach” programs by U.S. government agencies to terror-tied Islamic groups have directly interfered with ongoing terrorism investigations.

March 25, 2011 11:25

Allen West- That hurts my head when I’m watching Anthony Weiner

Allen West expounds on his qualifications for president, procedures in the House and shutting down CAIR.

March 14, 2011 04:55

The King’s speech on radicalization

The prepared opening statement of U.S. Rep. Peter T. King (R-NY), Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, for the hearing entitled “The Extent of Radicalization in the American Muslim Community and that Community’s Response” follows:

March 8, 2011 08:50

Intelligence sources suggest there are least a dozen Hezbollah cells across the US

As a fighting force inside America, Hezbollah’s sleepers have yet to be tested. But the first step in any security-related test should be to distinguish where those sleeper cells are so the average American, Muslim or non-Muslim, can keep an eye on them.

March 7, 2011 05:33

Shooting anyone who didn’t worship allah

Two would be terrorists who were convicted had claimed they wanted to shoot anyone who did not worship allah but we can’t say its about Islam.

March 4, 2011 06:12

Krauthammer criticizes Obama for treating terrorist shooting in Germany like ‘a bus accident’

Krauthammer calls Obama’s response to the troop shooting in Germany ‘incomprehensible’ reminding us that the shooter repeatedly yelled ‘allahu akbar’ which is the jihadist cry.