Post Tagged with: "liberals"

March 30, 2012 04:56

Not a Liberal? The APA Says You’re Crazy

Liberals who work at the American Psychological Association are living back in the 1940’s; a time during which liberals tried to convince Americans that the only alternative to the welfare state/democratic socialism was a regime based upon enforced racism or nationalism (i.e., Hitler or Mussolini).

March 23, 2012 16:35

Democrats, socialists, communists all one

Radical leftist Francis Fox Piven declares that the leftists big tent includes communists, socialists and Democrats. We’ve known they were the same all along. They also call themselves progressives, Marxists and liberals.

March 14, 2012 06:21

Online, liberals far less tolerant than normal people

[W]henever they are challenged or confronted on the hollow falsity of their orthodoxy — such as, say, uniting diverse Americans — liberals tend to respond defensively with anger, even trying to shut off or silence critics. – IBD Editorials

February 20, 2012 13:27

The Sacred Dogma of the Left

[F]or the left, the fight isn’t about social justice or the proper scope of the state. It’s about the contraceptives. It’s about sex.

January 31, 2012 05:09

Obama’s Civilian Soldiers

“Everybody knows” that the welfare state is finished, but the peculiar institution is profitable, very profitable — for liberals. Look at Liberals get to spend $4 trillion a year on their favorite programs. Conservatives get $1 trillion a year for defense. Why would liberals give up on a deal like that without a fight? – American Thinker

January 10, 2012 07:22

Coercion and Incentive Are Not Interchangeable Terms

[A] substantial number of productive Americans are, for all intents and purposes, on strike. And despite what progressives continue to believe, no amount of coercion, whether it comes in the form of Obamacare, FinReg, rapacious public sector unions, or any other spirit-sucking entity masquerading itself as “social justice” will ever replace good-old fashioned incentive. – Canada Free Press

December 16, 2011 06:59

Romney leads Gingrich among liberals

Gingrich leads among conservatives and likely GOP primary voters. – Gallup Poll

December 16, 2011 06:59

Romney leads Gingrich among liberals

Gingrich leads among conservatives and likely GOP primary voters. – Gallup Poll

November 22, 2011 06:13

Radicals Don’t Compromise

[Democrats] failure to offer any spending cuts is a clear indication of their vision of the future: federal, state, and local governments that control every aspect of life and consume two thirds of the nation’s wealth. – American Thinker

October 18, 2011 09:10

Allen West on racism: “liberal progressives really are threatened by strong black conservatives”

“As long as you are the accepted African-American to the white liberal establishment you’re going to be fine but if you tend to be one of those that have sought to get off of that 21st century economic plantation then they’re going to come after you pretty hard.”