Post Tagged with: "Muslims"

February 29, 2012 06:07

Saving Muslims From Themselves

While we have been teaching good government to others, our own government has become rotten. While we have spent money on others, we are running out of money. While we have taken in the huddled masses of the world yearning to take us for all we’ve got, our own lives and families are in danger.

February 27, 2012 09:30

Krauthammer: Obama apology a “matter of fear not respect” “groveling”

“After we’ve been our knees groveling there was an increase in the violence. I mean it isn’t as if it has any effect whatsoever. It whets the appetite. People love to see America on its knees. … There are fifty-six nations in the Islamic conference. Has one apologized for the attacks on the Copts in Egypt? Has the leader of Egypt itself apologized? No! ” The America hating president continues to embarrass the US with his one sided apologies.

February 24, 2012 12:48

Muslim global war on Christians

Obama apologizes for a burned book but ignores burned churches, murders, bombings and a pending hanging for converting to Christianity.

January 19, 2012 06:39

From US boarding school to Al Qaeda suicide bomber

He grew up in a well-off Texas household, attended a pricey boarding school and graduated from one of the state’s most respected universities. … Salam rejected his relatives’ moderate faith and comfortable life, choosing instead a path that led him to work for Al Qaeda. – NDTV

January 12, 2012 08:37

Media Sees No Evil in Muslim Persecutions Against Christians

Murders, beheadings, burning churches, and genocide mark the bigoted treatment of Christians in Muslim dominated countries. Religious persecution is on the rise world wide.

January 10, 2012 06:39

Obama’s “Arab spring” turns ugly – “One Nation for New Holocaust”

Obama’s peace through weakness, appeasement and capitulation may please the leftists who hand out Nobel prizes for hope and change but left the world on the brink of another war. The “death to America and Israel” Muslims see America as weak and ineffective. They taste the blood of the Jews. In a world of nuclear armed terrorist states Obama uses reset buttons and “harsh words” when confronted with threats to America and its allies.

January 3, 2012 14:31

Jihad plotting persists in mosques

80% of mosques in America were preaching hatred of Jews and Christians and the necessity ultimately to impose Islamic rule. Just recently, in the summer of 2011, came yet another study that showed that only 19 percent of mosques in the U.S. do not teach jihad violence and/or Islamic supremacism. – Human Events

November 8, 2011 08:54

Firebombing Freedom of Speech

Islam is anti-individual, and anti-mind. I stand with Jefferson who swore “eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.” Islam is demonstrably an enemy of the mind.

October 28, 2011 09:11

Muslim students at Catholic university sue over crosses

Why go to a Catholic school if you have a problem with crosses? This is another example of sharia creep and Muslims using our own laws as weapons against us.

July 15, 2011 06:57

British Muslims Urged to Reject Democracy, Embrace Sharia Ruled ‘Emirates’

A British Islamic group known for its provocative publicity stunts says a borough in northeast London will be the first target of a campaign to establish “emirates” in the country – Muslim enclaves where shari’a law is enforced. –