Post Tagged with: "North Korean missiles"

April 3, 2013 05:42

Obama’s Nuclear Cuts, Record of Weakness Provoking North Korea

Frank Gaffney making the case that Obama’s weakness on the world stage has led Kim Jong Un to believe he can get away with reckless behavior.

March 29, 2013 05:46

Growing Risk of NK Attack – The 3 AM Call?

Tuesday [] it had put all of its artillery and rocket forces on the highest state of wartime alert, including those units “assigned to strike U.S. imperialist aggressor bases on the U.S. mainland and on Hawaii and Guam and other operational zones in the Pacific, as well as all enemy targets in South Korea.”

February 13, 2013 08:28

NK World’s Worst Persecutor of Christians – Obama Uses Stern Words About Nuclear Test

North Korea again defied world opinion and U.N. resolutions by conducting its third nuclear test today while threatening stronger steps if necessary in the future. Obama’s foreign policy of weakness through appeasement has emboldened the world’s barbarian totalitarian regime.

December 21, 2010 05:13

Why Obama Surrendered the Missile Shield

Eager to appease Russia, the Obama Administration naïvely surrendered missile defense plans on September 17, 2009.