Post Tagged with: "Obama tyranny"

June 21, 2012 05:08

Obama’s Executive Order Mortgage Debt Ploy Could Guarantee Re-election

“underwater homeowners” constitute a “huge powerful voting bloc” that could help re-elect Obama in November.

June 20, 2012 04:26

Threat to the Republic does not come from Roger Clemens It comes from Barack Obama

The constitutional framers designed our system of government to restrict the president from making policy unilaterally and acting like a king. But Obama is making a mockery of our system of checks and balances. – IBD

May 31, 2012 07:20

Armed EPA Agents Visit Ashville Man

The only option at this point is to rid the nation of the Obama administration, crack down on the EPA, and rid us of the threat it poses in its efforts to deny entire industries from providing the energy the nation requires and attacks our agricultural and ranching communities for practices that reflect its normal operation.

May 8, 2012 04:48

Obama’s Dictatorial Second Term Won’t Need Congress

Obama’s first term was dedicated to putting in place executive power to enable him and the administration to fulfill the campaign promise of “transforming America” in his second term regardless of which political party controls Congress. – American Thinker

May 2, 2012 07:49

The Triumph of Obama’s Ideology Over Law

With each passing day it becomes more apparent that President Obama has little respect for the intelligence of his ideological opponents. If you don’t agree with him, he assumes it is because you “don’t understand the issue.” In other words, you are ignorant, or misinformed, or both.