Post Tagged with: "Pelosi"

November 16, 2010 06:31

DeMint: Obama, Pelosi Not ‘Free Market Americans As I Understand It’

In an interview with on Monday, Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) would not say whether he thinks President Barack Obama and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) are “extremists,” but he said he thinks they are not “free market Americans.”

November 15, 2010 17:38

Mike Pence on the new direction for government

“This election was an historic rejection of American liberalism and the Obama -Pelosi agenda” – Mike Pence

November 8, 2010 06:59

Apocalypse 2012

While we share the disappointment at the re-election of such legislative Smurfs as Harry Reid, Barbara Boxer and Patty Murray, the GOP’s failure to take Senate control is a blessing in disguise.

November 3, 2010 08:18

The morning after: Harry and Nancy STILL don’t get it

Bitter to the end and without grace or class.

September 30, 2010 04:19

Congressional Leadership Publishes Text of Bill to Fund Entire Government–on Same Night as Vote

Earlier in the day, Republicans House members expressed dismay at the congressional leadership for not making the text of the bill available sooner for members and the public to review.

September 29, 2010 05:31

Pelosi’s negatives hit all-time high; as unpopular as BP

A full 50 percent of those surveyed have a somewhat or very negative impression of Pelosi, while just 22 percent have a somewhat or very positive impression of her.

September 27, 2010 04:06

Boehner: Tax cuts punt ‘most irresponsible thing I have seen’

Boehner slammed Democrats for demurring on the tax vote, saying it “sounds like they’re just going to punt the ball until a lame-duck session.” “I think she’s afraid,” McCarthy said of Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). “She’s got 37 Democrats in her own party that say they want to extend all the tax cuts.”

September 17, 2010 13:52

“Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians” for 2009

Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, released its 2009 list of Washington’s “Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians.”

September 17, 2010 06:51

Pelosi renames Bush tax cuts -hedges on whole enchilada

Pelosi said ‘”without getting into procedure and timing and process, what we’re going to do is to say at the end of the day the extension of the Obama middle-income tax cuts will take place, and that’s what I have to say on the subject.”’

September 16, 2010 05:44

Allen West: America still a shining city on a hill

Lt. Col. Allen West describes the legislating away of our liberty and freedom in this campaign speech in South Florida.