Post Tagged with: "Pentagon"

May 6, 2013 08:41

Pentagon Uses Bigoted Anti-Christian Hater as “Tolerance” Consultant

Christians and Catholics in the armed forces have encountered raw discrimination, including being compared by one Army instructor to Al-Qaeda, Hamas and the Ku Klux Klan.

September 20, 2012 06:45

Muslim Influence in Pentagon Prevails

The Pentagon has still apparently not learned from the politically correct policies that led to the Ft. Hood massacre.

January 7, 2011 06:20

Child porn scandal and coverup at the Pentagon

Hundreds discovered buying child porn are linked to the Department of Defense and many were never investigated. Sen Grassley questions what was done and if anyone had been prosecuted or discharged. The DOD appears to have covered up the scope of the scandal.

April 28, 2010 06:07

Pentagon Widens Christian Ban; Graham Says It’s Anti-Religion

“This decision is further evidence that the leadership of our nation’s military has been impaired by the politically correct culture being advanced by this administration,” Perkins said. “Under this Administration’s watch we are seeing the First Amendment, designed to protect the religious exercise of Americans, retooled into a sword to sever America’s ties with orthodox Christianity.

“For those Christian leaders who have avoided the controversy of political issues, saying they just wanted to preach the gospel — this should be a wake-up call!” he stated.

April 23, 2010 06:11

Islam continues to win censorship in the US – especially in the military

Evangelist Franklin Graham’s invitation to speak at a Pentagon prayer service has been rescinded because his comments about Islam were inappropriate, the Army said Thursday. Graham says he will not apologize for criticizing a religion that’s barbaric in its treatment of women.

March 23, 2010 08:00

Lawmakers: Navy and Marines face fighter jet shortfall

“The strike fighter capacity of our Navy and Marine Corps is a strategic asset that should not be allowed to wither.”

March 4, 2010 05:33


AIM Report |  By Diana West  |  March 3, 2010 During President Obama’s State of the Union address, after he made a pitch for putting active and open homosexuals into the U.S. military, Defense Secretary Robert Gates could be observed rising to his feet and applauding the President. The members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who were also in the audience, did not rise or clap. Later, Navy Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs, fell into line, […]

March 1, 2010 04:52

GAO chief says government wastes $98 billion a year on improper payments

Acting Comptroller General Gene Dodaro said Friday the federal government likely wastes about $98 billion on mistaken transactions and other improper payments. He also criticized the federal government’s inability to effectively collect taxes or secure its computer systems and pressed for action on financial regulatory reform.

February 17, 2010 03:05

Obama’s budget disregards weapons systems to keep US #1

The bottom line is simple: No other nation on earth capable of fielding the Airborne Laser, the F-22 and the other advanced weapons now on the Obama administration’s chopping block would willingly abandon them. That is especially true of those hostile to freedom, which will strive to acquire through purchase, theft and/or their own efforts similar capabilities to those we are giving up. We engage in such unilateral disarmament at our extreme peril – both to the forces who truly need to be second to none as they fight the nation’s wars, and to the rest of us whom they thereby seek to safeguard.