Post Tagged with: "public media"

April 18, 2013 05:35

Media Ignores Gruesome Serial Killer for 2 Years

Fearing the damage it could do to the most sacred dogma of the leftist progressives, the left wing media and the party of (D)eath try to hide one of the most gruesome decade long killing sprees. We wrote about this serial killer of African Americans in Jan 2011 and posted the gruesome photos from the grand jury report. (See: “Gruesome photos included in abortion doctors grand jury report”) We also suggested that Gosnell was just doing what Obama spoke for as a senator. (See: “Abortion doctor charged with murder for doing what Obama defended”) Souvenir baby feet in jars, screaming infants with their jaws ripped off and near term babies born alive and then murdered and the Obamedia ignores it. Abortionist Gosnell killed more live kids than died at Sandy Hook yet where is the horrific outcry from the leftists and Obama who are so concerned about “the children?” More ….

March 21, 2013 16:19

Dems Call Higher Spending “Draconian Cuts!”

Under the Ryan budget, spending still rises in every category (except ObamaCare, which Ryan would keep flat at zero). Outlays are still going up, but in Washington, Democrats call these “draconian cuts.”

December 19, 2012 07:12

Anti Gun Media Urges Obama to “Track” People and Firearms

We have learned over the period of many years that the media don’t care about the facts because they are pushing a liberal agenda of “gun control.”

November 21, 2012 07:20

Obama’s FBI Uses Media to Smear a Whistleblower

What we were witnessing was the first volley in a media campaign by the Obama Justice Department and FBI officials to play down the serious nature of the national security scandal and the release of classified information likely obtained by America’s adversaries and enemies.

October 18, 2012 08:05

Rise of the Mediacracy

In 2008, the Medicracy elevated an Illinois State Senator who had briefly showed up in the Federal Senate to the highest office in the land. They did it even though he had no skills for the job and no serious plan for fixing any of the country’s problems. They did it to show that they could.

September 28, 2012 05:34

Too Much Mr. Nice Guy – Romney Won’t Challenge Liberal Media Bias

[M]ajor news organizations are serving “as off-shoots of the White House press office,” and will destroy America unless their power is monitored, exposed, and checked.

September 24, 2012 06:28

The Great Media Noise Machine

The truly important thing to understand about the media is that it is a distraction, a noise machine that spins constantly to block the message. It is a filter between Romney and the public. Rather than fighting the filter, it is best to ignore it as much as possible.

August 21, 2012 05:14

Media Ignores Obama’s Positions on Late Abortions and Sex Selection Abortion

Obama supports allowing legal abortion “even when used for sex selection,” or … “even up to the point of birth” in the nation’s capital.

June 22, 2012 06:17

Media Spiking Catholic Lawsuit to Prop Up Obama

ABC, CBS, and NBC don’t judge news events by their inherent importance as relates to the future of our freedoms. They deliver the news according to a simple formula: Does it, or doesn’t it, advance the re-election of Barack Obama?

May 31, 2012 06:52

Media Obsess About Trump to Avoid Obama Economy

The media’s use of the “birther” issue is really a smokescreen to cover up a number of issues that have nothing to do with the authenticity of Obama’s birth certificate or the place where he was born.