Post Tagged with: "racism"

August 17, 2012 07:03

Kill ‘All White’ Men, Women, Babies, Blind, Cripple, Fa**ots, Lesbians & Old Crackers, Says New Black Panthers Vile Radio Opening; Then ‘Dig ’Em Up’ & ‘Kill ’Em Again’

A shocking segment from Khalid Muhammad, a former spokesman for Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam. In it, he advocates extreme violence against white people in general, and specifically gays, lesbians, babies, and women – The Blaze

August 16, 2012 04:54

Unchained Biden – Joe’s Greatest Hits

Plagiarizing, angry white man screws up so much everyone gives him a pass on his constant gaffes and outrageous comments. Joe is the one who said we have to spend more to keep from going bankrupt. Joe is the one who said of candidate Obama “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and nice looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

August 9, 2012 08:44

The Minority Victim Value Index

To be a progressive is to be committed to perpetual reform in the name of perpetual grievance for perpetual power. Grievance is to their government feudalism what the Divine Right of Kings was to feudal rulers. It justifies their right to agitate and undermine, to seize power by any means necessary and to implement their programs legally or extra-legally.

August 6, 2012 05:25

Obama’s Bigotry

He implies, and almost explicitly says at times, “These people are making more money than you. It’s THEIR fault you’re not doing well.” He’s shifting the blame from his own failed, Big Government policies to a group he finds it effective to pick on.

July 18, 2012 07:43

Reason to Hate: Barack Obama’s Racist Roots

As the President’s first term draws to a close, a case can be made that the historic election was anything but post-racial; rather, it has been the most racially polarizing presidency in modern times.

July 12, 2012 18:03

Romney Should Have Told NAACP Martin Luther King Was Republican

It was the Democrats who fought to keep blacks in slavery and passed the discriminatory Black Codes and Jim Crow laws. The Democrats started the Ku Klux Klan to lynch and terrorize blacks. The Democrats fought to prevent the passage of every civil rights law beginning with the civil rights laws of the 1860s, and continuing with the civil rights laws of the 1950s and 1960s.

July 3, 2012 08:09

Michelle’O enlists black churches to push campaign

“And to anyone who says that church is no place to talk about these [political] issues, you tell them there is no better place—no better place. Because ultimately, these are not just political issues—they are moral issues.” – Michelle Obama speaking the African Methodist Episcopal Church in Nashville, Tennessee.

June 22, 2012 09:47

White Americans for Romney?

What if he launched a “White Americans for Romney” movement in an effort to get out the white vote?

May 22, 2012 10:19

Leftist Jackboots target groups, rush into restaurant with baseball bats, batons and hammers and beat patrons bloody, “counter-jihad groups” next

How many of you have heard of this new form of mob violence? The enemedia has kept this one hush hush. It is hard to imagine the kind of wicked blitzkrieg the media would be conducting if these SA-inspired brownshirts were tea partiers (!) – Atlas Shrugs

May 18, 2012 09:32

Black Chick says run the Wright Ads showing Obama’s racist roots

Editor and publisher of Crystal Wright says the GOP absolutely should run ads showing Obama’s 20 year mentor racist pastor Jeremiah Wright. She says the Obama campaign threatens the race card whenever the truth comes out about Obama.