Post Tagged with: "religious discrimination"

August 13, 2012 09:03

Bishop E.W. Jackson Calls for Christian Exodus from Democrat Party

He points to the Democrat Party’s “cult-like devotion” to abortion; the rejection of the traditional biblical model of the family; the hostility hurled at those who express a Christian viewpoint such as Dan Cathy of Chick-Fil-A; the actions of Democrat organizations such as the ACLU and the Foundation For Freedom From Religion in suing cities and towns for displaying crosses at memorials or mentioning the name Jesus in prayer at official events.

August 10, 2012 05:02

Obama’s Progress

In 2008, Barack Obama promised fundamental, transformational change—and now, thanks to the American electorate, we’re getting it.

August 4, 2012 08:30

Approaching America’s Moral Crossroads

As Americans of all faiths approach the national elections in November their vote may prove a tipping point toward America’s continued slide into the darkness, into the slavery of communism, into the further encroachments of Islam, into a moral abyss, or it can be the day that Americans renew their faith in what America stood for in the past and the values it can champion in the future.

July 11, 2012 08:32

Photographers fined for refusing gay marriage shoot

But how does taking pictures get classified as public accommodations? Because getting your picture taken is classified as “an essential service” in New Mexico.

July 6, 2012 05:19

Obama Censors the Declaration of Independence, Omits “Creator”

Obama has done this so often that it can’t be a slip of the tongue or a glitch of the teleprompter. Changing the words of the Declaration of Independence is part of Obama’s determination to remove everything religious and every mention of God from every aspect of our public life in order to fundamentally transform us from “one nation under God” into one nation under the Federal Government, especially the executive branch, with no higher power recognized.

July 5, 2012 06:00

Archbishop Dolan on Obama’s attack on religious freedom

Cardinal Dolan says the Obama administration is dividing the church on purpose. He insists the fight is about religious liberty and effects all faiths.

July 3, 2012 06:05

Eighteen Confirmed Dead in Twin Church Attacks in Kenya

At least 18 people have died while 66 have been wounded in Kenya’s north-eastern town of Garissa on Sunday when assailants burst into the Africa Inland Church (AIC) and Catholic Church, shooting at worshipers with firearms and detonating grenades.

June 22, 2012 06:17

Media Spiking Catholic Lawsuit to Prop Up Obama

ABC, CBS, and NBC don’t judge news events by their inherent importance as relates to the future of our freedoms. They deliver the news according to a simple formula: Does it, or doesn’t it, advance the re-election of Barack Obama?

May 31, 2012 07:36

Obama’s ideological extremism

If hamstringing the admirable work of the Catholic Church and other religious institutions in America in the name of free birth control doesn’t reek of ideological extremism, I don’t know what does.

May 14, 2012 05:45

Newspaper Ads Attack Obama’s War on Religious Freedom

Among several issues, the ad cites the freedom of speech lost by military chaplains and the mandate on religious organizations to furnish birth control and sterilization procedures.