Post Tagged with: "religious discrimination"

November 12, 2013 06:00

War on Religious Freedom

A well-orchestrated campaign is moving to fundamentally transform the United States into a scrupulously secular nation.

September 11, 2013 05:28

More Leftist Thought Police at Ball State

“Science Must Destroy Religion,”..”There is no God; no Intelligent Designer; no higher purpose to our lives,” and even that scientists should function as our society’s “high priests.”

September 10, 2013 06:11

Does the State Own the Child? Obama and Germany Say “Yes”

It wouldn’t be surprising to learn that Obama and his Attorney General would like to do everything possible to outlaw private schooling altogether, or at least homeschooling. But by what right do they make up law when it suits them, just because they happen to be in control right now? America was supposed to be a nation of laws, not of men.

September 10, 2013 05:37

Bakery Forced to Close by Christophobic LGBT Attack

Klein family received death threats of hoping that their children would grow ill and die. Media headlines have branded them “Anti-Gay Bakers.”

September 28, 2012 06:30

Obama’s Munich Moment

[T]he Obama administration must recognize, as the French and British did in 1939, that hurt Muslim feelings have no more to do with radical Islamic hatred of the United States than mythical complaints about Germans under foreign rule had for Hitler; both were merely pretexts, excuses for aggression that would have taken place anyway. It also means that anti-Americanism in the Islamic world is going to get worse, not better ….   By Marvin J. Folkertsma   In September 1938 […]

September 27, 2012 05:09

Can the Islamic Faith Tolerate Criticism?

Can Islam tolerate other religions? Can it assert its truth claims in a religiously diverse world without resorting to violence? Can it do battle in the marketplace of ideas using words as its weapons, risking the criticism of those who disagree with its claims? Are its truth claims powerful enough to prevail without resorting to the sword?

September 26, 2012 05:51

Arab Spring rapidly turning into Christian winter

The final death of Christianity in its Middle Eastern homelands seems increasingly possible within our lifetime.

September 11, 2012 05:00

The Anti-God Party

[T]he exclusions of “God” and “Jerusalem” (as the capital of Israel) from the official Democratic Party platform last week. [] were intentional exclusions that reflect the changing values of an increasingly secular party that’s hostile to Israel and America’s Judeo-Christian character. – Human Events

August 26, 2012 08:51

Being a Pastor and Speaking Out in Today’s Culture

Is it right that pastors should remain silent about important matters in society that are being debated in the public square because someone is trying to establish in our culture that there is no place in politics for religious beliefs or moral convictions that have been born out of a faith commitment?

August 17, 2012 08:29

Obama’s Pro-Islamic Rewriting of American History

He’s right about one thing. Islam is part of the national story of America. It’s called 9/11. And before that, there was the Iranian hostage crisis of 1979-81, likewise fueled by the militant faith of Islam. Who knows what the “religion of peace” still has in store for America and the rest of the civilized Western world?