Remember when we were promised that there would be a religious exemption to all the pro gay laws? Notice how the Nazi hedonists are always portrayed as people of love and compassion? The thought police are in full force in America. Agreeing with radical hedonists is now the government issued stamp for commerce. Perhaps the mark of the Beast? Agree or close up shop. Agree or face bigotry, death threats and public humiliation. Welcome to the devilution of man.
Post Tagged with: "religious freedom"
War on Religious Freedom
A well-orchestrated campaign is moving to fundamentally transform the United States into a scrupulously secular nation.
Taliban Kill 81 in Church Bombing – Obama, Kerry Silent
Among the dead were 34 women and seven children
More Leftist Thought Police at Ball State
“Science Must Destroy Religion,”..”There is no God; no Intelligent Designer; no higher purpose to our lives,” and even that scientists should function as our society’s “high priests.”
Does the State Own the Child? Obama and Germany Say “Yes”
It wouldn’t be surprising to learn that Obama and his Attorney General would like to do everything possible to outlaw private schooling altogether, or at least homeschooling. But by what right do they make up law when it suits them, just because they happen to be in control right now? America was supposed to be a nation of laws, not of men.
Bakery Forced to Close by Christophobic LGBT Attack
Klein family received death threats of hoping that their children would grow ill and die. Media headlines have branded them “Anti-Gay Bakers.”
Obama/Holder Justice Department Threatens Free Speech, Punish Criticism of Islam
U.S. attorney Killian has generated outrage by vowing to use federal civil rights laws to punish those making critical comments about Islam.
Eroding Parents’ Rights
If Eric Holder is successful in establishing a legal precedent that parents have no natural right to educate their own children, then it is no exaggeration to say that America is only one generation away from our constitution being reduced to a hollow shell. The American people better wake up, and wake up fast.
George Washington’s Religious Liberty
We are told that religion and politics require a strict separation; that religion is a hindrance to happiness and therefore has been gradually stripped from the public square. We’re told that displays of religious faith don’t support the community but are downright offensive to non-adherents.
Hobby Lobby President Honored with Biblical Values Award
Nearly half of Hobby Lobby’s annual profits are donated according to Biblical principles and for the promotion and reading of the Bible itself.